All scripts are tested with Ubuntu 16.04 and zfsutils 0.6.5. is a nagios/icinga check to test the state of a zfs pool.
# ./ test
OK - pool 'test' 72.8% used | used=131554135920480B available=49240834683040B total=180794970603520B logicalused=158240438841344B compressratio=1.25
# ./ test
WARNING - pool 'test' requires action (scrub 83.92% done)
One or more devices has experienced an unrecoverable error. An
attempt was made to correct the error. Applications are unaffected.
| used=131554135920480B available=49240834683040B total=180794970603520B logicalused=158240438841344B compressratio=1.25
# ./ test
CRITICAL - pool 'test' state is 'DEGRADED' (scrub 14.91% done) | used=131554135920480B available=49240834683040B total=180794970603520B logicalused=158240438841344B compressratio=1.25 is a script that searches for empty ZFS snapshots by executing zfs diff. It only shows you the empty snapshots and don't execute the destroy commands itself. The number of changed files between two snapshots will be cached to speed up the next run.
The script treats snapshot different according to their prefixes:
- rsync: Snapshots starting with rsync_ will be ignored
- day: They will be listed for deletion if there are no changes compared with the snapshot before
- week: Like day_, but additional requirements are that the snapshot before starts with week_ or month_ and that it is not the last week_ snapshot
- month: They will be scanned, but never be listed for deletion
Such snapshots structure can be created with zfsnap and a cronjob like this:
Note that the first and last snapshot of a (sub-)volume also can't be listed for deletion.
# m h dom mon dow user command
00 22 * * * root /usr/sbin/zfSnap -a 6m -p day_ -r test
00 22 * * 0 root /usr/sbin/zfSnap -a 12m -p week_ -r test
00 22 1 * * root /usr/sbin/zfSnap -a 24m -p month_ -r test
05 23 * * * root /usr/sbin/zfSnap -d -p day_
# ./
test day_2016-10-18_06.02.01--6m ... day_2017-01-21_06.02.01--6m
- day_2016-10-22_06.02.01--6m (cached) changes: 4
- week_2016-10-23_06.01.01--12m (cached) empty
- day_2016-10-24_06.02.01--6m (cached) changes: 2
- week_2016-10-30_06.01.02--12m (cached) empty
- month_2016-11-01_06.00.01--24m (cached) empty
- month_2016-12-01_06.00.01--24m (cached) empty
- month_2017-01-01_06.00.01--24m (cached) empty
- week_2017-01-08_06.01.01--12m empty
- day_2017-01-14_06.02.01--6m empty
- week_2017-01-15_06.01.01--12m empty
- day_2017-01-16_06.02.01--6m empty
- day_2017-01-17_06.02.01--6m empty
- day_2017-01-18_06.02.01--6m empty
- day_2017-01-19_06.02.01--6m empty
backup/sub day_2016-11-24_06.02.01--6m ... day_2017-01-21_06.02.01--6m
- week_2016-11-27_06.01.01--12m (cached) empty
- month_2016-12-01_06.00.01--24m (cached) empty
- month_2017-01-01_06.00.01--24m (cached) empty
- day_2017-01-07_06.02.01--6m (cached) changes: 110
- week_2017-01-08_06.01.01--12m (cached) empty
- day_2017-01-14_06.02.01--6m empty
- week_2017-01-15_06.01.01--12m empty
- day_2017-01-16_06.02.01--6m empty
- day_2017-01-17_06.02.01--6m empty
- day_2017-01-18_06.02.01--6m empty
- day_2017-01-19_06.02.01--6m changes: 2
Commands to delete empty snapshots:
zfs destroy test@week_2017-01-08_06.01.01--12m
zfs destroy test@day_2017-01-14_06.02.01--6m
zfs destroy test@day_2017-01-16_06.02.01--6m
zfs destroy test@day_2017-01-17_06.02.01--6m
zfs destroy test@day_2017-01-18_06.02.01--6m
zfs destroy test@day_2017-01-19_06.02.01--6m
zfs destroy backup/sub@day_2017-01-14_06.02.01--6m
zfs destroy backup/sub@day_2017-01-16_06.02.01--6m
zfs destroy backup/sub@day_2017-01-17_06.02.01--6m
zfs destroy backup/sub@day_2017-01-18_06.02.01--6m