WeChat miniprogram for the chess room
chess recorder can record the score of the mahjong or cards game.
Simple introduction of the project
- .env is the mainly configuration of the project such as: HOST, PORT, DATABASE..etc
- chess/app is the route of the project which will read the config, register the blueprint and extend the extension. ext is the define of the SQLAlchemy, Marshallow and the SocketIO
- models chess model include the room and record model user model include the user and wechat user model socket model include the websocket function which inherit the SocketIO
- libs define the redis server and the wechat functions
- api schema use the Marshallow to validate the params and serialize and deserialize the data.
I use django on my work, first use the flask on the production
Thanks to the @wangzhihao1995, learn a lot from his Repositories PyBlackMarket