VBA Class Libraries for SharePoint SOAP Communication
VBA library to communicate with SharePoint without the usage of the outdated Web Services/SOAP Toolkit. Library is based on MSXML Core Services 3.0
Originally I wanted to use perl to dynamically generate the VBA code from a wsdl, but finally ended up using .NET Web Services interface and reflection to generate the parsing tree to build the cls code. This has the disadvantage to contract the service within c# before being able to build the VBA code.
Either include SPSoap.cls in your project or start by using the example.xlsm. Also ensure a reference to MS XML, v3.0 exists. The following sample code shows how to access a SharePoint List and Display some results.
SOAP Type | VBA Type |
System.String | String |
System.Xml.XmlNode | MSXML2.IXMLDOMNodeList |
System.Guid | String |
Int32 | Integer |
Byte[] | Variant |
Boolean | Boolean |
All return types have been casted to MSXML2.IXMLDOMNodeList. This might requires adoptions for some functions - depending on your former usage.
"AddAttachment", "AddDiscussionBoardItem", "AddList", "AddListFromFeature", "AddWikiPage", "ApplyContentTypeToList", "CheckInFile", "CheckOutFile", "CreateContentType", "DeleteAttachment", "DeleteContentType", "DeleteContentTypeXmlDocument", "DeleteList", "GetAttachmentCollection", "GetList", "GetListAndView", "GetListCollection", "GetListContentType", "GetListContentTypes", "GetListContentTypesAndProperties", "GetListItemChanges", "GetListItemChangesSinceToken", "GetListItemChangesWithKnowledge", "GetListItems", "GetVersionCollection", "UndoCheckOut", "UpdateContentType", "UpdateContentTypeXmlDocument", "UpdateContentTypesXmlDocument", "UpdateList", "UpdateListItems", "UpdateListItemsWithKnowledge"
"AddView", "DeleteView", "GetView", "GetViewCollection", "GetViewHtml", "UpdateView", "UpdateViewHtml", "UpdateViewHtml2"
Sub LoadItems()
' Initialize SPSoap
Dim ws As New SPSoap
Call ws.init("https://mysharepointsite.com")
' Resultset
Set x = ws.wsm_GetListItems("MySharePointList", "", Nothing, Nothing, "", Nothing, "")
Dim root As IXMLDOMElement
Set root = x.item(0)
Dim elements As Variant
Set elements = root.getElementsByTagName("rs:data")
Dim strQuery: strQuery = ".//z:row"
Set Items = root.SelectNodes(strQuery)
Debug.Print "No of Items: " & Items.Length
Dim item As Variant
For Each item In Items
Debug.Print "Title: " & item.getAttribute("ows_Title")
End Sub