A simple command line tool for elo tracking written in go. Uses a local sqlite database under the hood.
ego create
Initialises a local sqlite db in the location ~/.ego/ego.db
ego add -name <player name>
Adds a player to the leaderboard with the specified name and a default starting elo of 1000. Name must be unique.
ego add -name <player name> -elo <elo>
Adds a player to the leaderboard with the specified name and starting elo
ego leaderboard
Displays the leaderboard
ego games
Displays all previous games (newest to oldest)
ego games -limit <n>
Displays the n
most recent games
ego games -player <player name>
Displays all previous games involving one player
ego record -p1 <name of player 1> -p2 <name of player 2> -score=11-3
Records an 11-3 win for player 1 over player 2. Note that if the loser scores 0 points, the elo change will be doubled
ego undo
Undo recording the last game. Removes the game itself from the database, and sets the players ELOs back to what they were before the game
Available stats are: games played, win rate and peak ELO. If no stats specified, all stats will be shown
ego stats -name=Bob
Shows all stats for Bob
ego stats -name=Bob -peak
Shows just the peak ELO for Bob
ego stats -name=Bob -played -winrate
Shows just the number of games played and win rate for Bob
These flags can be applied to any command
Will log more detailed information, for example SQL queries used e.g.
ego add -name=Alice -verbose
Will use a different path to the sqlite database. For the create
command, this will attempt to create the database at the specified path.
ego create -dbpath='/home/username/egocustom.db'
ego add -name=John -dbpath='/home/username/egocustom.db'