* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* <dan@danreed.net> wrote this class. As long as you retain this notice you
* can do whatever you want with this stuff. If we meet some day (and you think
* this stuff is worth it) you can buy me a beer in return --Dan Reed
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I wrote color factory initially to use hex code in creating colors in objective-c. it'll tolerate a bit of abuse, pass it strings beginning with 0X or #, lowercase letters as well!
######It includes the following categories on UIColor: + (UIColor *) colorFromHex:(NSString *)hex; + (UIColor *) colorFromHexWithAlpha:(NSString *)hex:(float)alphaValue;
###I also wrote a singleton for the factory that I use to house global colors you might want in your scheme
For instance, I have initialized a set of 3 complementary color schemes. Each scheme is made up of 5 colors: color, bold, shadow, light, and highlight. This is just an example, you might want an 'alert' color or something.
#TO USE: ###(in your header) #import "ColorFactory.h"
###and in your .m file when you need a color UIColor *someColor = [UIColor colorFromHex:@"F00BA4"];
##OR for global colors... ####define a color in the header of the factory (or however you like): #define PRIMARY_COLOR @"FFCF9C"
####then declare this color in your class interface (in your factory header): UIColor *primary;
####make the color a property directly below your class interface #####(don't forget to synthesize in your .m file!): @property (nonatomic, strong) UIColor *primary;
####then in the init method initialize the color like so: primary = [UIColor colorFromHex:PRIMARY_COLOR];
###finally, when you need your primary color just call it!
####(your class' .h file) #import "ColorFactory.h"
@interface YourClass : NSSomeObject{
ColorFactory *colors;
. //your other code here
####(your class' .m file) //inside your viewDidLoad or init or someplace like that colors = [ColorFactory sharedFactory];
//once it's instantiated, call whatever colors you stored in your factory!
[self.view setBackgroundColor:[colors primary]];
[cell.textLabel setTextColor:[colors kickAssRed]];
//you can still call hex colors on the fly as well, don't forget!
[self.hammerTable setBackgroundColor:[UIColor colorForHex:@"2B012B"]];
##That's all for today! Feel free to drop me a line at dan@danreed.net.
#Thanks, ###--Dan Reed