- Download the repository from GitHub. Update the value of application in app.yaml to the app ID you have registered in the App Engine admin console and would like to use to host your instance of this sample.
- Run the app with the devserver using dev_appserver.py DIR, and ensure it's running by visiting the API Explorer - by default localhost:8080/_ah/api/explorer.
- (Optional) Generate your client library(ies) with the endpoints tool. Deploy your application.
Hangman is a simple letter guessing game. Each game begins with a random 'target' word drawn randomly from a wordbank (included on server). 'Guesses' are sent to the guess_a_letter
endpoint which will reply with either updating the target string's blank spaces (if the letter guessed is in the string) or decrementing the 'remaining_attempts' field (if the letter is not in the string). In both cases, the game's history is updated. Many different Hangman games can be played by many different Users at any given time. Each game can be retrieved or played by using the path parameter urlsafe_game_key
- This project's architecture was provided by Udacity and has only been slightly modified to meet the logical concerns of the game Hangman. Many names, function patterns, and logic has been borrowed from this provided 'Skeleton'
Hangman has two forms of scoring, single game scores and user rankings. Your single game score is the number of remaining guesses when a user wins a game; no score is recorded if the user fails to guess the target in fewer than 6 guesses. For user rankings, users are ranked by the difference between their number of wins and losses. EX: User "Drew" has 5 wins and 2 losses, his ranking score is 3. The higher the ranking (compared to other users) the higher a user will place on the scoreboard.
- Create a user account with the create_user endpoint
- Create a new game with your username in the create_game endpoint
- Copy the game key included in the response from the create_game request
- Paste the game key in the key field in the "guess_a_letter" endpoint and pick a letter to guess. Users can also guess at the whole word or phrase without penalty
- Repeat until the target is guessed or you exhaust your 6 attempts.
- [OPTIONAL] Open games can be canceled with the cancel_game endpoint.
- [OPTIONAL] User scores and leaderboards can be viewed with the user_score and get_high_scores endpoints respectively.
- api.py: Contains endpoints and calls to the game playing logic.
- app.yaml: App configuration.
- cron.yaml: Cronjob configuration for email reminders.
- main.py: Handler for Cronjob.
- game.py: Logic for the Hangman game.
- models.py: Entity and message definitions including helper methods.
- utils.py: get_url_safe method from Udacity's Skeleton Project
- wordbank.txt: List of words that will be used as the target in each game
- Path: 'user'
- Method: POST
- Parameters: user_name, email (optional)
- Returns: StringMessage welcoming new user
- Description: Creates a new User. user_name provided must be unique. Will raise a ConflictException if a User with that user_name already exists.
- Path: 'game'
- Method: POST
- Parameters: user_name
- Returns: A new game form
- Description: Creates a new Game. user_name provided must correspond to an existing user - will raise a NotFoundException if not.
- Path: 'game/{urlsafe_game_key}'
- Method: PUT
- Parameters: urlsafe_game_key, guess
- Returns: GameForm with current game state.
- Description: Accepts a 'guess' and returns the updated state of the game. If this results in winning a game, a corresponding Score entity will be created.
- Path: 'scores'
- Method: GET
- Parameters: number_of_results (optional)
- Returns: A ScoreTable message with users wins-losses differential
- Description: Returns the leaderboards with user's ranked by wins-losses
- Path: 'scores/{user_name}'
- Method: GET
- Parameters: user_name
- Returns: ScoreTable of user's scores
- Description: Returns all Scores recorded by the provided player (unordered). Will raise a NotFoundException if the User does not exist.
- Path: 'game/{user_name}'
- Method: GET
- Parameters: user_name
- Returns: Returns GameList of user's active games.
- Description: Retrieves all the active games for the provided user
- Path: 'game/delete/{key}'
- Method: DELETE
- Parameters: key
- Returns: StringMessage confirming game deletion.
- Description: When given a urlsafe_game_key, this endpoint will delete the corresponding game
- Path: 'rankings'
- Method: GET
- Parameters: n/a
- Returns: ScoreTable with user rankings by win-loss differential.
- Description: Returns an ordered list of users, ranked from highest win-loss differential to lowest.
- Path: 'game/history/{key}'
- Method: GET
- Parameters: key
- Returns: HistoryMessage with each guess and the corresponding game state
- Description: Returns a string of characters that have been guessed during the course of a game
- Stores unique user_name and (optional) email address.
- Stores unique game states. Associated with User model via KeyProperty.
- Includes methods for creating new games, ending a game, returning a game's score, and outputting the game state for a message class
- Records completed games. Associated with Users model via KeyProperty.
- Includes methods for outputting the Score in a message class
- General purpose String container.
- Representation of a Game's state (urlsafe_key, attempts_remaining, previous guesses, and filled/remaining matches).
- Message class meant to hold multiple game forms.
- Message used to represent a score entry.
- Multiple ScoreForm container.
- A group of GameForms with updated Game state after each guess