dViz is a path finding algorithm visualizer. Currently, dViz will showcase Dijkstra's algorithm. More path finding algorithms are to follow.
- Express is a minimal and flexible Node.js web application framework that provides a robust set of features for web and mobile applications.
- Node.js is an open-source, cross-platform, JavaScript run-time environment that executes JavaScript code outside of a browser.
- Heroku is a cloud platform as a service supporting several programming languages. Badreads will be deployed to Heroku for production in the form of a Docker image.
Use is intuitive and tooltips are provided to highlight functions. Select a start, select a stop, throw in a challenge by adding walls, and let her rip!
const dijkstras = (graph, source) => {
let distance = {};
for (let node in graph) {
distance[node] = Infinity;
distance[source] = 0;
let unvisited = new Set(Object.keys(graph));
const size = unvisited.size;
let previous = {};
let index = 0;
while (unvisited.size > 0) {
let currNode = minDistanceNode(unvisited, distance);
if (currNode !== source.join(",") && currNode !== stop.join(",")) {
const node = document.getElementById(currNode);
setTimeout(() => {
node.style.background = "rgba(83, 9, 219, 0.65)";
}, 1000 * Math.log(index / size)); // Use setTimeouts to structure animation tree after the math behind the algorithm.
for (let neighbor in graph[currNode]) {
let distanceFromCurrToNeighbor = graph[currNode][neighbor];
let totalNeighborDistance =
distance[currNode] + distanceFromCurrToNeighbor;
if (distance[neighbor] > totalNeighborDistance) {
distance[neighbor] = totalNeighborDistance;
previous[neighbor] = currNode;
if (unvisited.has(neighbor) && neighbor !== stop.join(",")) {
const node = document.getElementById(neighbor);
let taco = unvisited.size;
setTimeout(() => {
if (taco === 1) paintPath(distance, previous, stop);
node.style.background = "rgba(255, 251, 0, 0.65)";
}, 1000 * Math.log(index / size)); // Logorithm scales total animation duration to the size of the query field.
return { distance, previous, size };
// Determines relaxtion.
const minDistanceNode = (nodes, distance) => {
return Array.from(nodes).reduce((minNode, node) =>
distance[node] < distance[minNode] ? node : minNode