A logger with text formatting using termcolor. PYPI Package
First, you need to install the library either using pip:
$ pip install termcolor_logger
Then, import it and use it like so:
from termcolor_logger import ColorLogger
fancy_logger = ColorLogger(logger_name='FancyMain',
attrs=['underline', 'reverse', 'bold'])
ColorLogger.setup_logger(log_path="hi.log", debug=True, clear_log=True)
fancy_logger.info("You can customize the logger like this")
fancy_logger.info("You can customize each log message differently",
color="green", on_color="on_white", attrs=[])
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
You need to have a machine with anaconda installed and any Bash based shell (e.g. zsh) installed.
$ conda -V
conda 4.10.1
$ echo $SHELL
All the installation steps are being handled by the Makefile.
First, modify the python version (min_python
) and everything else you need in
the settings.ini.
Then, execute the following commands:
$ make create_env
$ conda activate termcolor_logger
$ make dist
Now you are ready to use and modify the library.
This is mainly for future reference for the developers of this project. First,
create a file called ~/.pypirc
with your pypi login details, as follows:
username = your_pypi_username
password = your_pypi_password
Then, modify the python version (min_python
), project status (status
), release version (version
and everything else you need in
the settings.ini.
Finally, execute the following commands:
$ make create_env
$ conda activate termcolor_logger
$ make release
For a dev release, change the testing_version
and instead of make release
, run make release_test
This project is licensed under the Apache License - see the LICENSE file for details.