This is the first full project I had to do for the coding bootcamp HENRY, and it's where all the knowledge from those intensive months learning had to be applied. I feel particulary proud of it since it's where I learned how to connect all the front, back and database in one single SPA, I really hope you like it and feel free to contact me on LinkedIn for any questions/suggestions, and if you want to see a video of the SPA working!
It's an app for recipes, where you can see a couple of them pre-loaded from the external API Spoonacular, and you can also add your own! Aditionally, you can filter by their diet type, keywords and sort them by alphabetical and score order.
The technologies used for this project were:
- React
- Redux
- Node.js
- Express
PostgreSQL and Sequelize as ORM- MongoDB and Mongoose as ODM
IMPORTANT: Make sure you have the latest version of Node and NPM
By the time I finished it (August, 2021), I was using these versions:
- Node: 12.18.3
- NPM: 6.14.16
To check your current version run these commands:
node -v
npm -v
First you'll have to clone this repository in a folder in your computer, then you'll have to open your console in that directory and:
- cd api
- npm install
- npm start
This will start the back-end server on your localhost:8001/
Then you must go back to the root directory of the project and:
- cd client
- npm install
- npm start
This will start the app on your localhost:3000