Sojobs scans the jobs from the monthly hacker news "who is hiring" thread and loads them into a database, and makes them available for searching, by city, key word, visa or remote option. See https://sojobs.me
- install node 4.x+, npm and grunt
- install a recent version of postgres. This app use full text search and point data types that are specific to postgres
- install the lb-ng loopback utility described in https://docs.strongloop.com/display/public/LB/AngularJS+JavaScript+SDK#AngularJSJavaScriptSDK-lb-ngcommand
- git clone http://github.com/drorm/sojobs
- for each of the following copy the config files and adjust the credentials, email addresses, server names, etc
- cp server/config.sample.json server/config.json
- host
- port
- cp server/sparrowConfig.sample.js server/sparrowConfig.js
- initAdmin -- this is the admin of the app.
- password
- first
- last
- emailFrom -- which user are notifications like email verification are coming from
- initAdmin -- this is the admin of the app.
- cp server/datasources.local.sample.js server/datasources.local.js
- db -- database credentials
- mail/smtp -- for email verification when users sign up
- cp server/config.sample.json server/config.json
- cd jobs
- npm install
- grunt. This will also do the following:
- cd client
- npm install
- grunt
- cd client
- If you're going to make changes to the client javascript, you should run the following so it builds the concatenated file
- grunt watch
#Db setup
- psql jobs jobs < server/db/schema.sql
- psql jobs jobs < server/db/cities.sql
- set up Google places for the auto complete: https://console.developers.google.com/apis/credentials
- SSL cert via let's encrypt https://github.com/Daplie/node-letsencrypt
##Run directly
- node server/fetchData/fetch.js -- fetches the jobs listings from Hacker News
- node server/server.js -- this is the main node/express/loopback.js app
##Use pm2 Use the pm2 process manager, http://pm2.keymetrics.io/
- run node_modules/.bin/pm2 start ecosystem.json
- logs go into ~/.pm2/logs
This will start two apps:
- server/server.js -- this is the main node/express/loopback.js app
- server/fetchData/fetch.js -- fetches the jobs listings from Hacker News