This solution is built to load test Cosmos DB collection. The collection under load has 25 partitions with average document size of about 10K and provisioned RUs of 250K.
- Needs to be executed with Admin rights to bind to the port
- Exposes test data POST endpoint (http://localhost:9000/test_data) that takes an integer as text as an input and returns requested number of keys from target collection
- and MGet POST endpoint (http://localhost:9000/req) that takes a string with comma-separated keys to fetch
- Cosmos DB collection details are defined in Client.fs
It fetches test data, randomly selects BATCH number of keys, and opens fire-and-forget requests to MGet endpoint sleeping between calls as defined by tests
At the rate specified (10,000 requests with 5 ms sleep between) WebService starts reporting disconnect exceptions from CosmosDB after about a minute on my machine.