Falling Blocks-type game rewritten in 'C' for PC-FX (based on PC Engine game written in Assembler in 1999).
This is a rewrite of the PCE_Blox game I wrote in assembler for the PC Engine back in 1998/1999, but this version is written in 'C' for the PC-FX. The original proof-of-concept game can be found here: https://github.com/dshadoff/PCE_Blox
Although I have had many thoughts over the years about how to implement this in alternative ways, I have tried to remain as faithful as possible to the original program's design, data layouts, variable names, etc., and make this as straightforward of a port as possible, so that people can compare the two works.
There are several reasons I undertook this rewrite:
There is very little PC-FX homebrew software available, even though some of the tools exist, such as a good 'C' compiler (gcc), a library (liberis) to interface with the lower-level hardware, and tools to package the generated executables into bootable discs.
The liberis library - however well-intentioned - wasn't sufficiently tested in real-world usage to determine whether the provided API is an appropriate API for general-purpose game development work. Through the creation of other programs, I have notied some weaknesses, and decided to take this opportunity to explore some of them, with an eye to improving (or possibly replacing) them.
Some of the required "non-compiler" tools (such as graphic data format converters) also didn't exist, so this was an opportunity to identify and create some of those as well.
This proof-of-concept has concentrated solely on the HuC6270 video processor and its various facilites, and perhaps touched upon joypad controller limitations. There was no sound in the original proof-of-concept game.
There are vast opportunities for ports of software created for the PC Engine and SuperGrafx to the PC-FX, so the logical starting point for that is to ensure that the analogous hardware (i.e. HuC6270, palette, sound generator, joypad, CDROM, ADPCM) is the initial focus of these tools.
Blox is working and complete, except that the piece selection is not yet random (pseudo-random number generator functions still need to be created, and made into part of the support libraries. The code is somewhat messy, as I have been required to include additional #define statements and other facilities which should be part of the base liberis functions; this refactoring will take place soon. The code is currently in a state where it could be compared against the original PC Engine code however.
Several tools have been written to support the palette and graphic data conversions required. These can be found at this (relatively) new repository: https://github.com/pcfx-devel/PC-FX_Programming_Tools