Write various CS, Mathematics and Statistics algorithms from scratch
Big-O Runtime Analysis
- Quick sort
- Bubble sort
- Selection sort
- Merge sort
- Queue
- Stack
- Binary Search Tree
- Doubly Linked List
- Max Heap
- Ring Buffer
- Hash table
- Binary Search
- Depth-first Search and Depth-first Traversal
- Breadth-first Search and Breadth-first Traversal
- Newton's method
- Steffensen's method
- Jacobi iterative method
- Conjugate gradient method
- Power method
- Hadamard product
- Finding coefficients for Newton interpolating polynomials by the method of Divided Differences
- Perceptron
- EM algorithm
- Single-step MinP-MaxT resampling method
- Linear regression
- Python
- JavaScript
- R
- C, OpenCL