I'm a student and programming enthusiast from Poland.
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- 🎓 Computer Science student at AGH University of Science and Technology.
- 🤖 Former team leader & board member @ AGH Space Systems. Kalman Mars Rover software team.
- 🤖 Former member of Electronics and Computer Science Club in Knurów. Knurów Mars Rover software team.
- 🤖 Member of BIT Scienfitic Group.
- 👨🏫 Former volunteer mentor at CoderDojo Rybnik and Akademia Techniczna Małolata.
- 💻 Mainly programming in C++, Python, JavaScript.
- 👁 Interested in space.
- 📚 Currently focusing on: Mars roverz.
- 🕹 I've created several games and applications in different technologies over the years.
- 🎨 Occasionally do some (digital) painting and 3D modelling.
Project | Description |
🥇 Mars Rover Kalman | AGH Space Systems, 1st place at ERC2022, 4th place at URC2022. |
🚀 RADEM | Supporting analysis of space radiation data from the RADEM detector in ESA's JUICE mission |
🚀 Mars Rover Knurów | Electronics and Computer Science Club in Knurów. |
🤖 My ROS Lectures | BIT Scientific Group at AGH UST. |
🧪 Cloud of Science | [WIP] Visualizing technology-related papers as an interactive cloud. |
🔦 Light Printer | Project developed with love for long exposure photos. |
☁ Point Clouds to GIF | Renders plain text XYZ point clouds and save them as GIF animations. |
🏡 Smart Home Mockup | Shows the potential of home automation. |
🎆 2D Lidar -> 3D Lidar | Making 2D lidar behave more 3D. |
🎆 Lidar Visualizations | A part of the article for Practical Electronics Magazine. |
🤖 Scan & Print | A box generating a point cloud from the physical object closed inside. |
🧬 Game of life in Go/WASM | Conway's Game of life compiled to WebAssembly from Go. |
🤨 n-Dimensional Tic-Tac-Toe | Implementation of the game rules on n-dimensional board. |
🖥 C++ stuff | My small programs and stuff written in C++. |
🐍 Python stuff | My small programs and stuff written in Python. |
🦦 Go stuff | My small programs and stuff written in Go. |
My still-in-progress website and blog: szymonbednorz.com