This web application is based on those "Which (blank) are you?" quizzes you come across on social media.
On the site users can browse quizzes made by other users as well as use the "Create Quiz" tool to make their own quizzes which they can then share with their friends with a unique link.
####Capstone for CS50 Web
First and foremost I designed this project as the final component to Harvard's CS50: Web course. I believe this meets the requirements for the following reasoning.
The site is ran by the Django framework on the backend, utilizing four models (namely: Quiz, Result, Question, and Answer). Additionally the site runs with two javascript files, make-quiz.js and take-quiz.js.
As far as complexity goes the Create Quiz feature is a Single-Page-Application (SPA) with six distinct views. Additionally Result and Question views (Steps 2+3) are dynamic forms where the user controls the length and number of results/questions and corresponding answers. Indeed the site is designed that the number of Results, Questions, and Answers for each question is entirely up to the user - the Site will handle it the same and commit it to the database via a single fetch request.
The Take Quiz feature is another SPA with three views and the "result" view will change dynamically to the contents of the form.
A search feature is included at every page except the home - for aesthetic reasons. This is a feature distinct from the method of the search feature of Wiki as it directly queries a database.
Additionally for complexity on the front end I've utilized more Bootstrap components than any other previous project including:
- Nav Bar
- Alerts
- Buttons
- Collapse
- Progress
I've also used my own CSS to increase the branded appearance of the site.
A summary of notable files:
###Quiz/ Project URL paths, note line 21 linking to the quizapp.urls paths.
Metadata for the squlite database migrations.
A directory containing two images used for the site brand.
The most complex code file of the project, this is linked to from /new (make-quiz.html). It contains the following functions:
- next() - goes to next view
- back() - goes to previous view
- removeResult() - the onclick of the trashcan icon that removes a possible result.
- removeQuestion() - similar to removeResult but with a question
- removeAnswer() - similar to, you guessed it, removeQuestion but removes an answer. Notably a bit different as it takes away a row in the table.
- appendResult() - Adds a result to the result-view (step 2). Called once on page load.
- appendQuestion() - Adds a question to question view (step3 3). Called twice on page load.
- appendAnswer() - Adds an answer to the question block its contained in.
Notably not called on page load. populateResultSelectors() - queries the page and gets a list of all the Results filled out on Step 2 and then updates all the selects of the page. Called with Next(), appendQuestion(), and appendAnswer(). - populateReview() - queries the page for quiz title, author, results, questions, and answers and then summarizzes them on the review page (step 4). Called on each next()
- finishQuiz() - First checks that all the required fields are satisfied, if not it displays an alert on the top of the screen with a link to the missing field. If all fields are satisfied it sends a fetch request to /new/make-quiz-fetch where it passes in localStorage with all the info stored.
- copyQuizUrl() - copies the given url in the textarea on the final view of make-quiz.
- goToError() - displays the view with the first empty required-field.
The local storage variable is as follows:
{quizName: "blah"
authorName: "Jake"
results: [ -- list of objects --
{resultName: 'result1name',
resultDescription: 'result1Description'}
questions: [ -- list of objects 000
{questionBody: "question body",
answers: [ -- list of objects --
{answerBody: "foo",
answerresult: "result1"}
The javascript file linked in take-quiz.html or /quiz/[str:quizUrl]. Contains the following functions:
- getStarted() - the onclick property of the button on the first view. Switches to the question view.
- findWinner(object) - takes in a javascript object in the form of : {"result 1": (int - result 1 tally), "result 2": ...etc } and returns the name of the key with most tallies.
- getResults() - goes through all the questions and counts the tallies for each selected answer
- home.html - HTML file for the homepage. Notably no navigation bar
- layout.html - the layout file for the site - contains links to the CSS, and bootstrap javascript
- make-quiz.html - the HTML file for the create quiz feature, inherits from layout.html
- quiz-list.html - the HTML file for the Browse Quizzes/search feature
- take-quiz.html - the HTML file for the take-quiz feature
Contains the views for the quizapp application. Which are:
- home (/)
- quiz_list (/all-quizzes)
- random_quiz (/random-quiz) - redirects to a random take quiz
- make_quiz (/new)
- make_quiz_fetch - only used by the fetch request in make-quiz.js
- take_quiz (/quiz/[str: quizurl])
Contains the models for the quizapp application:
- Quiz
- author (varchar)
- title (varchar)
- Result
- result_title (varchar)
- result_description textfield
- quiz (foreign key to Quiz)
- Question
- text (text field)
- quiz (foreign key to Quiz)
- Answer
- text (varChar)
- question (FK to Question)
- quiz (FK to Quiz)