A set of scripts to extract Swift-BAT detector rates and BAT coded FOV for a particular time. Scripts depends on https://github.com/lanl/swiftbat_python
The Swift-BAT detector rates and the BAT FoV parameters are downloaded by
according to settings given in config.yaml
, listed below.
Data are downloaded for the list of date and time stored in ascii burst_list.txt
The FITS files are saved to download_path
ligtcurves processed to the IPN format are saved to save_path
The data_source
parameter is either HEASARC
(for older burst data stored at https://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/FTP/swift/data/obs/) or
(for recent, up to about few weeks old, bursts stored at https://swift.gsfc.nasa.gov/data/swift/.original/)
Each script in the repository may be used separetely.
I thank David Plamer and Aaron Tohuvavohu for the comments that help to create these scripts.