RideAlong is a ride-sharing app that allows drivers to connect with passengers looking for rides to the same destinations. RideAlong is primarily built with the MERN stack, a combination of the four following technologies: MongoDB, Express, React, and Node.
- Nathan Luu
- Linda Xiao
- Michael Lau
- David Lai
Create an account to make posts about their trips
Post a trip to allow for carpoolers
View catalog of all the trips posted
Select start destinations based on map location
- Search for trips based on start destination
- Trip page showing details about the trip
- Display all trips requested and posted on user profile
- Live on Heroku
- User authorization
- Trips (create, join, delete)
- Search/Filter Trips
- User Profile
- Google Maps API, GeoCoding API
- React
- Redux
- MongoDB
- Express
- Google Maps API
- GeoCoding API
- Integrating Google Maps API and GeoCoding API into our features
- Setting up user authentication
- Allow for trip creation, joining a trip, and deleting a trip
- Creating a search that filters trips based on input successfully
- Creating user authentication forms
- Creating trip creation forms
- Creating a user profile