go get -u github.com/dtmirizzi/go-transact
Often times in synchronous
distributed systems you will have a set of processes
that need to be performed at roughly the same time.
To declare success all sub-processes must complete successfully,
If one fails it is often common to revert state and retry.
If synchronicity is not required the problem
is often better solved in an asynchronous
fashion. This library is ment to provide a simple interface for handling said transactions.
Based off ideas here and here
You are tasked with creating a realtime user management engine by D. Corp. To create an user you need to add a db table and insert the creds to AWS Incognito. If either fail you would like to roll back your changes so that you can retry at another time.
import "github.com/dtmirizzi/go-transact"
h := "hello"
W := "World!"
t := transact.NewTransaction()
CreateDBTable := func() error {
// Do something
fmt.Println(h + W)
return nil
DeleteDBTable := func() error {
// Do something
return nil
PName: "p0",
UpFunc: CreateDBTable,
DownFunc: DeleteDBTable,
PutMessageOnQueue := func() error {
// Do something
return nil
DeleteMessageFromQueue := func() error {
// Do something
return nil
PName: "p1",
UpFunc: PutMessageOnQueue,
DownFunc: DeleteMessageFromQueue,
err := t.Transact()
if err != nil {
if tErr, ok := err.(*transact.TransactionError); ok {
if !tErr.Safe() {
panic("Failed to safely revert changes!")
} else {
- Install Precommit, golangci-lint.
- Run
pre-commit install
- Ship it!!