Live E-Commerce Website Welcome to the Live E-Commerce project! We're building a full-stack MERN (MongoDB, Express, React, Node.js) e-commerce website from scratch, and we're excited to have you on board. Your contributions, whether you're a developer, designer, Tester, or have other valuable skills, are highly valued.
About the Project:
Live is an ambitious project aimed at creating a feature-rich and user-friendly online shopping platform. Our goal is to provide an exceptional shopping experience for our users while embracing the latest web technologies and best practices.
Key Features Full-Stack MERN:
Utilizing MongoDB for the database, Express and Node.js for the server, and React for the frontend, we're creating a robust and scalable application.
Modern Frontend:
We use Vite as the frontend build tool, React for UI components, and Tailwind CSS for styling, ensuring a modern and responsive user interface.
State Management:
Redux Toolkit is employed for state management on the frontend, enabling efficient data handling and user interactions.
React Router handles page navigation, ensuring a smooth and intuitive browsing experience.
How to Contribute We welcome contributions of all kinds, whether it's coding, design, documentation, or testing. Here's how you can get started
Fork the Repository:
Click the "Fork" button on the top right of this repository to create your own copy.
Clone Your Fork:
Use git clone to clone your fork to your local machine.
Install Dependencies:
Run yarn install to install the project's dependencies.
Start Development
Use yarn run dev to start the development server.
Pick an Issue:
Browse through the Issues tab to find an issue to work on or create a new one if you have a specific feature or bug fix in mind.
Make Changes:
Write your code, design, or documentation changes according to the issue you're working on.
Commit and Push:
Commit your changes, push them to your forked repository, and create a pull request (PR).
Code Review:
Your PR will be reviewed, and any necessary feedback or changes will be requested.
Once your changes are approved, they will be merged into the main project.
Development Scripts
yarn run dev:
Start the development server.
yarn build:
Build the production-ready application.
yarn lint:
Lint your code using ESLint.
yarn preview:
Preview the production build locally.
Get in Touch If you have any questions, ideas, or need assistance, please don't hesitate to open an issue or reach out to us through the project's communication channels.
Let's build something amazing together!
Thank you!
ABhishek Dubey