(Alpha version, still in active development)
SANDLÅDA is a dynamic malware analysis sandbox. It allows analysts to quickly and easily start analysing malware without caring about software dependencies or a gazillion configuration files. It's built in golang so it can easily be cross compiled to preferred platform and architecture.
- Static Analysis
- Yara
- Strings
- Objdump
- Readelf
- Behavior Analysis thanks to systemtap (and cuckoo sandbox)
- Network packet capturing
- Memory Analysis (Volatility 2.6)
PS C:\> .\sandlada.exe
SANDLÅDA - The Dynamic Malware Analysis Lab
sandlada server|agent|version [options]
Server options:
-s, --sample Malware sample to analyse
-vm, --agent-vm VM to use for analysis, read from conffig file
-ip, --agent-ip IP of agent to send sample to
-r, --result Folder location to store analysis results in. Default ~/.sandlada/result
-e, --executor Run malware with specific command, e.g. "python2.7"
-db, --database Use local sqlite database for storing results. Default ~/.sandlada/sqlite.db
-c, --config Configuration file to read from. Default ~/.sandlada/config.ini
-lp, --lport Local port to listen on. Default 9001
Agent options:
-srv, --server Server IP to send data to
-lp, --lport Local port to listen on. Default 9001
Version: Print version
sandlada server -s malware.py -e python2 -vm trinity -lp 9001
sandlada agent --server --lport 9001
sandlada version
You have two components, the collection server and the agent. The collection server runs on the host machine while the agent runs inside a virtual machine. Malware samples and necessary files are transferred to the VM via the collection server using HTTP. Once everything is in place, the agent will run the analysis by executing packet capturing, static analysis tools and finally the malware itself. All communication between agent and collection server is done via HTTP. Different VM providers have interfaces for directly communicating with VM, but it was decided to use HTTP and not care about what each individual VM provider offers.
As long as the agent and the collection server can communicate, you can run SANDLÅDA anywhere.
Full documentation can be found here.
- Linux guest support
- Virtualbox support
- Windows guest support
- Custom analysis tooling
- INetSim functionality (although you can run this yourself)
- HTTPS communication
- Web interface
- Sandbox Anti-detection
- Vmware ESXi support*
- QUEMU support*
- KVM support*
* This technically already works, but there is no support for starting, stopping or reverting the VM directly from SANDLÅDA
SANDLÅDA (Swedish for sandbox) was built because I had so many different problems with cuckoo sandbox. Either it was a dependency problem or a software problem. The fact that it hasn't been upgraded to Python3 was a big motivator as well. I recently got very interested in dynamic malware analysis which gave me the idea to build my own sandbox :)
Any feedback or ideas are welcome! Want to improve something? Create a pull request!
- Fork it!
- Create your feature branch:
git checkout -b my-new-feature
- Configure pre commit checks:
pre-commit install
- Commit your changes:
git commit -am 'Add some feature'
- Push to the branch:
git push origin my-new-feature
- Submit a pull request :D
SANDLÅDA is made with ♥ by @dubs3c and is released under the MIT license.