This setup allows you to have multiple phalcon projects in one Vagrant Box. I suggest calling it Playground :)
- Prefer a Vagrant setup? phalcon/vagrant
###Phalcon DevTools
- Locally get: Phalcon DevTools
- Run in CLI:
$ phalcon
###Current Server Has:
- PHP 5
- Apache2
- Composer
- Git
- Python
- PIP: Fabric
- Phalcon
- Phalcon Dev Tools
- Just change your paths
- Mod Rewrite ON
- Phalcon Extension Installed
ServerName codezeus
DocumentRoot "/vagrant/www/codezeus/public
ServerPath /codezeus
<Directory "/vagrant/www/codezeus/public">
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride All
Require all granted
###Check your BaseURI When you access http://playground/codezeus/ if things don't look right, check your baseURI.