Duda UI is a minimalist set of primitives to style your React Components!
- 🚀 It's blazing fast.
- ⚡️ Powered by JSS
- 📦 Less than 12 KB gzipped
- 🌀 Static styles are shared across components
- ✒️ Theming support
- 💎 Dynamic styles updates based on props and state
- 🏆 SSR Out of the box
npm i @dudaui/styles
yarn add @dudaui/styles
The core style solution is makeStyles
import { makeStyles } from '@dudaui/styles'
const styles = {
root : { backgroundColor: 'red' }
const useStyles = makeStyles(styles)
const Component = () =>{
const classes = useStyles()
return (
<div className={classes.root}>
I have a red background
- Import
- Import
(it's a common pattern to move your styles's definition to an external file) - Instantiate
- Initialize
This can become boring pretty fast 😕! So the most common pattern is to always export the instanciation of makeStyles
import { makeStyles } from '@dudaui/styles'
export default makeStyles({
root:{ backgroundColor : 'red'}
import useStyles from './styles'
const Component = () =>{
const classes = useStyles()
Declaring the styles directly inside makeStyles
can become pretty handful since it enhances static typing for Theme
You can use our default theme and override any property you want. As long as you provide the context
on the top-level you can access your theme
from anywhere using a custom callback
instead of a literal styles object
import { styler } from '@dudaui/styles'
const styles = theme =>({
root :{
backgroundColor: theme.palette.danger.main
Static styles are shared across multiple component's instances, but you can also provide dynamic styles which will update the sheet on every change
const styles = {
root : {
color : ({ color }) => color
foo : ({ color }) => ({ color })
const useStyles = styler(styles)
const Component = ({ color }) =>{
const interpolation = { color }
const classes = useStyles(interpolation)
return <span className={classes.root}> I'm { color } </span>
Notice that this can generate performance problems, since a new dynamic sheet is created for each component's instance (and updated on each render)