🔭 I completed my research on cybersecurity skills as a driver for economic growth in developing countries. I hope these countries find work valuable to advancing national capabilities.
$$$ I'm currently working on a 2nd Ph.D. - in cybersecurity in financial institutions. https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/financial-cybersecurity-assessing-critical-cost-fraser-casp-sscp/
🌱 I’m currently learning how to conduct mixed methods research as I advance current research and work.
👯 I’m looking to collaborate on big data and cybersecurity analytics systems.
🤔 I’m looking for help with developing AI models for anomaly and fraud detection. In addition, developing neural networks for occupation data.
💬 Ask me about analytics, cybersecurity, software engineering, programming, reverse engineering, or relevant topics.
👋 Recently got a financial institution SOC 2 Type 2 for a complex trading platform in 30 days - using the three-lined defense model and ITGC as lenses to test and remediate controls.
📫 How to reach me: LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/drdustinfraser/ Website: https://1gcyber.com Credly: https://www.credly.com/users/dr-dustin-fraser/badges
⚡ Fun fact: Hablo español, así que siéntete libre de conectarte.
Research: 🌱Cybersecurity skills can be an engine of economic growth in developing countries 🌱Financial Cybersecurity - Assessing Critical Applications Cost and Cybersecurity Risk Management 🌱Future Research: Cybersecurity Skills as A Driver for Economic Growth in Developing Nations 🌱Gangs & Delinquent Youth Avoidance: Cybersecurity Education for Social Transformation (EST) in New York City and State 🌱Cybersecurity Knowledge and Skills
Advanced AI real estate tools that provide significant advantages in the property market
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