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The goal of this project was to speed up data collection from scanned images of handwritten census forms (from approximately 100 years ago). OCR software works well for printed text, but the cursive handwriting in these forms is much more challenging. The intent was not to fully automate the data collection process, but to guide a human user in a way that would make their work more efficient.

Rather than attempting to develop better OCR software, with the goal of automatically recognizing letters within the handwritten text, this project uses existing image processing / computer vision techniques to group together similar images. This program does not recognize, for example, that the images in one group represented the handwritten word “yes” and in another group the word “no.” It simply attempts to categorize images into groups based on similarity. The idea was to eventually present representative images from each group to a human user, who would interpret the images’ meaning, which could be automatically applied to the other images from the group.

So Far...

The example images, with explanations for where they come from, are meant to show how much was accomplished. This version is written in Python 3 and uses OpenCV 3.

  1. example.jpg

    The original scanned census form.

  2. example_corners.jpg

    The census form, with corners of the main table marked. Uses fast_corners function in Original corners function searches top left, top right, bottom right, and then bottom left portions of the original image for corners; fast_corners version scales the image down and searches the scaled down version. Both functions rely on cv2.matchTemplate to find the corners.

  3. example_cropped.jpg

    After corners are found, deskew function (in uses cv2.findHomography to get the transform needed to make the table in the image a true rectangle, and to align it vertically and horizontally. cv2.warpPerspective is used to apply the transform. Then the crop function is used to get a view (i.e., a numpy view, rather than a copy) of the image data limited to the table and a small margin around the outside.

  4. example_lines.jpg

    lines function, in, is used to find the horizontal and vertical boundary lines in the table. filter_lines removes redundant lines, found one pixel apart, that represent wider boundary lines in the table. draw_lines is used to produce an image like this one, for testing.

    Line detection is done using cv2.HoughLines on a highly processed version of the image; how well it works is very sensitive to several parameters defined at the beginning of They are tuned for the example scan; probably they won't be quite right for others. It may eventually be necessary to build something to automatically adjust these parameters based on the number of lines we expect to find in the table.

  5. example_cells.jpg

    Once the table boundary lines have been found, the cells function (in, determines the coordinates of corners for cells defined by those boundaries. adjust_borders uses cv2.matchTemplate to search cell images for horizontal and vertical border lines (maybe template matching isn't the best way to do this?) along the outside edges, and adjusts corner coordinates based on what it finds. This wouldn't be necessary if the lines in the table were perfectly straight and evenly spread out, but they are far enough off in some places that this extra step helps.

    The erase_borders function works in a way very similar to adjust_borders, except that it colors the border lines white. It then processes (using close transformations with a horizontally oriented kernel and then a vertically oriented kernel) the portion of the cell image where borders were erased in a way that "spreads" the erasing a little bit further out, to catch missed border bits, and also fills in a little bit of darker color where handwriting lines crossed the original border. (This part works well enough to use it, but there's definitely potential for improvement.)

    Finally, draw_cells creates a version of the image with the borders erased and with cells highlighted by colored rectangles. (This is to test the effectiveness of the cell finding and border erasing functions, particularly as line detection parameters are modified and it's important to see the effect.)

  6. example_compare.jpg

    This image represents a first attempt to group cells in a column by similarity. It uses a simple template matching scheme (cv2.matchTemplate again), with very little preprocessing. Whether two cells are considered similar enough to group together is just based on a threshold value for how good a match could be found between the two cells. The image shows (highlighted with colored rectangles) cells that supposedly match the first cell in each column. (This was produced by an earlier version of

  7. example_compare_closest.jpg

    This image represents a second attempt to group cells by similarity, more conservative than the first attempt. Template matching is used to get a similarity score, but instead of grouping together all matches above a threshold, a graph is created linking per-cell nodes to their best match. Connected components within the graph are considered similar enough to group together. (This image was produced by the current version of

    Within a column, there's a different highlight color for each of the first 8 groups found. In the "RELATION" column, for example, cells grouped with the first cell are tan, cells grouped with the second and third are blue, with the fourth are red, etc.

  8. example_compare_t_closest.jpg

    This image represents a third attempt to group cells, very much like the second attempt except that, instead of considering just the closest match for each cell, it considers the top T closest matches. Also, cells whose average color is very close to white are assumed to be blank and ignored.


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