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ReleaseNote v0.41

ousttrue edited this page Sep 11, 2018 · 2 revisions

※Important Information※

Major Updates:

  • [Exporter] Corrected exported normal map (for DXT5)
  • [Exporter] Fixed bugs that material parameters were gone when exporting VRM at runtime (for ShaderProperty that cannot be enumerated)
  • [BlendShape] Fixed bugs that the list was missing when BlendShapeClip was deleted
  • [BlendShape] Manipulation of UV value of Material Animation
  • [BLendShape] Added a function to move horizontally with MainTex_ST_S / move vertically with Matex_ST_T
  • [BLendShape] When adding new BlendShapeClip, the file name can be put into BlendShapeName
  • [SpringBoneColliderGroup] Enhanced NullCheck

Editor Updates:

  • [Editor] Added version# in VRM menu
  • [Editor] Added git hash to unitypackage file name
  • [Editor] Added UnitTest

API Updates:

  • [Importer] Added the argument: show. Now you can choose to undisplay VRM model when VrmImporter.LoadVrmAsync is ended
  • [Importer] Extended code that relies on unpacking textures in the same path as glb
  • [Importer] Change Task's version check from UNITY_2018_1_OR_NEWER to UNITY_2017_1_OR_NEWER
  • [Exporter] Organized interface
GameObject m_model;
string path;
var vrm = VRMExporter.Export(m_model);
var bytes = vrm.ToGlbBytes();
File.WriteAllBytes(path, bytes);
  • [UniGLTF] Changed the implementation method of extension from inheritance to partial class
  • Added [BlendShapeProxy]public void SetValues(IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<BlendShapeKey, float>> values)
  • Renamed UniTask => DepthFirstScheduler

JSON Related Fixes:

Discarded /nodes/*/extras/rootBone.

This item was meant to save SkinnedMeshRenderer.rootBone, but we found it was the same as / skins / * / skeleton of the GLTF specification.

When using UniVRM in a built application, there may be influences by SkinnedMeshRenderer.updateWhenOffscreen = false.

From now on, we will provide the information about the change of JSON level here.

To use SkinnedMeshRenderer.updateWhenOffscreen=true more convenient, we added ImporterContext.EnableUpdateWhenOffscreen that can apply to all meshes at one time. Feel free to use it.

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