Releases: dwslab/hdBPMN
Releases · dwslab/hdBPMN
Sketch2Process (TSE 2022) dataset version
Final dataset for the Sketch2Process paper published in the TSE journal.
Changes compared to DiagramNet release:
- 704 images
- BPMN label and word annotations
- Misc. annotation fixes
DiagramNet (ICDAR 2021) dataset version
The state of the dataset when it was used to train and evaluate the models in the ICDAR 2021 paper DiagramNet: Hand-drawn Diagram Recognition using Visual Arrow-relation Detection
by Schäfer and Stuckenschmidt.
Sketch2BPMN (CAiSE 2021) dataset version
The state of the dataset when it was used to train and evaluate the models in the CAiSE 2021 paper Sketch2BPMN: Automatic Recognition of Hand-drawn BPMN Models
by Bernhard Schäfer, Han van der Aa, Henrik Leopold and Heiner Stuckenschmidt.