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PHP library for matching an IP address to a CIDR range.

Supports IPv4 and IPv6.


composer require dxw/cidr


To simply match two addresses:

$result = \Dxw\CIDR\IP::contains('2001:db8:123::/64', '2001:db8:123::42');
if ($result->isErr()) {
    // handle the error
$match = $result->unwrap();

if ($match) {
    echo "The addresses match!\n";
} else {
    echo "The addresses don't match.\n";


IPv4-compatible IPv6 addresses and IPv4-mapped IPv6 addresses are partially supported.

An address of the form :: or ::ffff: will be parsed. But only if they fall within ::/96 or ::ffff:0:0/96. For example, 2001:db8:: will be rejected.

But the resulting address will be treated as an IPv6 and as such it will never match an IPv4 address. For example, will never match ::ffff: or ::


Example of testing if an IPv6 address falls within a particular IPv6 range:

$result = \Dxw\CIDR\IPv6Range::Make('2001:db8:123::/64');
if ($result->isErr()) {
    // handle the error
$range = $result->unwrap();

$result = \Dxw\CIDR\IPv6Address::Make('2001:db8:123::42');
if ($result->isErr()) {
    // handle the error
$address = $result->unwrap();

if ($range->containsAddress($address)) {
    echo "It matches!\n";
} else {
    echo "It doesn't match.\n";

To make the example IPv4-only, replace IPv6 with IPv4. To make the example version agnostic, replace IPv6 with just IP.

  • IP
    • ::contains(string $addressOrRange, string $address): \Dxw\Result\Result<bool>
  • IPAddress
    • ::Make(string $address): \Dxw\Result\Result<AddressBase> (AddressBase is the abstract superclass of IPv4Address and IPv6Address)
  • IPRange
    • ::Make(string $range): \Dxw\Result\Result<RangeBase> (RangeBase is the abstract superclass of IPv4Range and IPv6Range)
  • IPv4Address
    • ::Make(string $address): \Dxw\Result\Result<IPv4Address>
    • ::FromBinary(\phpseclib\Math\BigInteger $binary): \Dxw\Result\Result<IPv4Address>
    • ->__toString(): string
    • ->getBinary(): \phpseclib\Math\BigInteger
  • IPv6Address
    • ::Make(string $address): \Dxw\Result\Result<IPv6Address>
    • ::FromBinary(\phpseclib\Math\BigInteger $binary): \Dxw\Result\Result<IPv6Address>
    • ->__toString(): string
    • ->getBinary(): \phpseclib\Math\BigInteger
  • IPv4Block
    • ::Make(int $value): \Dxw\Result\Result<IPv4Block>
    • ->__toString(): string
    • ->getValue(): int
    • ->getNetmask(): \phpseclib\Math\BigInteger
  • IPv6Block
    • ::Make(int $value): \Dxw\Result\Result<IPv6Block>
    • ->__toString(): string
    • ->getValue(): int
    • ->getNetmask(): \phpseclib\Math\BigInteger
  • IPv4Range
    • ::Make(string $range): \Dxw\Result\Result<IPv4Range>
    • ->__toString(): string
    • ->getAddress(): \Dxw\CIDR\IPv4Address
    • ->getBlock(): \Dxw\CIDR\IPv4Block
    • ->containsAddress(\Dxw\CIDR\AddressBase $address): bool
  • IPv6Range
    • ::Make(string $range): \Dxw\Result\Result<IPv6Range>
    • ->__toString(): string
    • ->getAddress(): \Dxw\CIDR\IPv6Address
    • ->getBlock(): \Dxw\CIDR\IPv6Block
    • ->containsAddress(\Dxw\CIDR\AddressBase $address): bool