In researching online tools used by Booking Agents, I made the observation that, like many CRM software, they are wieldy, awkward to use, hard to learn, and expensive. Square Appointments / Square e-commerce is lightweight, free, and really has its UX together.
Instead of starting with a typical visual design or use-case template, I employed Agile, User Experience techniques, IA drawings, wireframes and personae , to guide development of an MVP. If you want more gigs, the site should be intuitive for Talent Buyers.
If you are interested in the Agile process, please use the ZenHub Chrome Extension to view the Kanban boards
The application is an open source Bootstrap / WordPress hybrid built with Understrap . It uses Gulp as a build system, BrowserSync, with SASS as a CSS preprocessor.
WordPress as you may know, is moving toward JavaScript. The PHP admin is accessed by WP-Query's, but can be extended with the WP API. Or be a JavaScript application running on an instance of WordPress or (I think) replaced with MERN (React-Node).
It is scaffolded with the WP CLI and NPM. It employs GSAP - ScrollMagic, so you can animate just about anything with it
The application books appointments through Square, which connects to both Square ecommerce and WooCommerce, and populates Bands in Town. You can sell tickets, swag. But most importantly, Talent Buyers can use it very easily. Just a minimalist interpretation of User Driven Development.
Book Danny Francis Connolly #ecommerce #uxdesign
WP CLI $ wp core download $ wp config create --dbname=testing --dbuser=wp --dbpass=securepswd $ wp db create $ wp core install --title=Example --admin_user=supervisor --admin_password=strongpassword
Understrap Install theme npm install || or do it through wp-admin change proxy in gulpconfig to localhost:8888/nameOfRepo. Consult the README in the understrap theme folder for more details. Read comments in the gulpfile.js for the list of commands.
Until the Yeoman generator is rewritten, populate file changes manually from previous installations.