A record of coursework in AI Computing Systems, mainly focusing on high performance computing development for MLU.
MLU高性能计算开发 - 智能计算系统课程作业记录
5-1 基于BangC的算子开发与集成
5-2 智能编程语言性能优化
5-3 基于BangPy的算子开发与集成
7-1 目标检测 YOLOv3
7-2 文本识别 OCR-EAST
Credit and thanks to Prof. Chen and all the researchers behind.
Official online courses could be found at BILIBILI.
All the projects in this repo were developed on Cambricon Devplatform and passed test on educg.net (where some simple retries would get you on your way, if the result doesn't come as expected sometimes).