main | sub | subsub | jdk | description |
analyzer | shallow | aapi | 17 | Annotated API parsing |
analyzer | shallow | minimal | 17 | Minimal analyzer |
analyzer | shallow | integration | 17 | Entry point for shallow analyzer usage |
analyzer | modification | hiddencontent | 17 | First step in modification analysis |
analyzer | modification | immutable | 17 | Determine @Container, @Immutable |
analyzer | modification | integration | 17 | Entry point for modification analyzer usage |
analyzer | modification | linking | 17 | Variable linking analysis, @Modified, @Independent |
analyzer | modification | variableinfo | 17 | Build VariableInfo objects |
language | cst | api | 17 | Primary interfaces of the Common Syntax Tree |
language | cst | impl | 17 | Primary implementation of the Common Syntax Tree |
language | cst | io | 17 | JSON I/O for CST analysis objects |
language | cst | 17 | Formatter for the CST | |
language | inspection | api | 17 | Common API for language inspection/resolution/path management |
language | inspection | parser | 17 | Implementation of the parsing and resolution aspects of the API |
util | external | support | 8 | Annotations, support classes, and support for Annotated APIs |
util | internal | graph | 17 | A graph library that uses jgraph as a dependency. Support for linearization of dependency graphs. |
main sub subsub, where the combinations sub-subsub must also be unique.
Github repositories: main-sub
Gradle projects inside a repository: e2immu-sub-subsub, test projects testsubsub
Gradle project publishing IDs: org.e2immu.main : e2immu-sub-subsub : version
Java packages: org.e2immu.main.sub.subsub