Application provide RESTful API for inserting transactions related to account and accessing its balance.
Transactions are appended to history table, actual balance can be accessed via view that aggregates history. Application heavily relies on IO monad and effects. Application uses hexagon architecture pattern.
Application provides two types of backend:
- inmemory hashmap
- h2 database
Main frameworks used:
- http4s - http layer
- doobie - database access layer
- flyway - schema migration logic
- circe - json manipulation
- h2 - inmemory database
The end points are:
Method | Url | Description |
GET | /balance/{id} | Returns balance of account |
POST | /transactions | Process list of transactions |
GET | /build-info | Deployed application meta |
Create a transactions:
curl -X POST --header "Content-Type: application/json" --data '[{"id": 1, "delta": 100}]' http://localhost:4140/transactions
Get account balance:
curl http://localhost:4140/balance/1
Get account balance:
curl http://localhost:4140/build-info
Default http port used in application: 4140. Updated application.conf
in order to modify it or via environment variable HTTP_PORT
Application can started by:
sbt assembly
andjava -jar app.jar
. Latest assembled version of application are in root of repository sbt docker
andcd deployment; docker-compose up
sbt run
, may have potential issues with applying migrations resolved with sbt version 1.1.0
Issue log output:
2018-10-19 09:31:19 [scala-execution-context-global-93] WARN o.f.c.i.u.s.c.ClassPathScanner - Unable to resolve location classpath:db/migration