Welcome to my GitHub repository! Here you'll find my personal projects, with a focus on 42-related endeavors.
Highly skilled software developer with 10 years of experience in the design, development, and implementation of enterprise-level applications. Expertin various programming languages, software development methodologies, and database management systems. Notable for strong problem-solving skills and the ability to work effectively in a team-based environment. Throughout my career, I have been involved in project management and analysis, and I have also collaborated with international clients.
AWS, Azure, Docker, Github actions
Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle DB, MySQL, Postgres, MongoDB
- SPA with a playable multiplayer online pong game: challenges, ranking, ladder, different game modes and power ups.
- Chat with persistence in db, private & group messages, friends, mute etc.
- Api REST to persitence msg in db and websockets to deliver chat msgs and game, login with Oauth2, sessions with JWT, user privilege management, 2FA with QR via mobile app.
- Use docker-compose to create a LEMP stack (L for Linux, E for Nginx, M for Mariadb and P for PHP) with wordpress.
- Included homemade alpine containers versions for Portainer, Adminer, Redis, ftp server, and static pages using Clay (python's based prototyping tool).
- HTTP server using a configuration file like nginx.
- Handles HTTP GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE Request.
- Serves static files from a specified root directory or dynamic content using CGI.
- TDD with unit testing using Google Test.
- Deployed following CI/CD using GitHub Actions.
- Reimplementation of some data structures from C++ 98 STL.
- Vector, Map, Stack and Set, including iterators, reverse iterators and a red-black tree.
- Stress tests with similar performance compared to STL.
- Introduction to raytracing using the MiniLibX library to generate computer-generated images.
- Include representing scenes with geometric objects like plane, sphere, cylinder.
- Displays effects multiple lights, shadows, ambient light, specular and phong reflections.
- Unix-like shell: a command interpreter inspired in bash.
- Allows command execution, redirections and pipes.
- Implements its own builtins: env, export, cd, echo and unset.
- 2D game rendered using the MiniLibX graphics library.
- Several modes o visualization includin fake3D.