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@expand expand released this 04 Aug 21:38
· 521 commits to master since this release

GitHub Releases (by Release) Custom badge

This release is compiled against DevExpress.XAF v19.1.5.
Big thanks for their contribution to:
apobekiaris, CWolffIF, dimajanzen, emeyke, gerritmulder, isatahiri, krombipils, monkeywithacupcake, okanmazman, pjeh, rSeeFip, vimarx,


  1. #428 ExcelImporter: Cloning fails when localized
  2. #479 Improve build performance
  3. #460 Excel Importer - define the ExcelImportKeyAttribute in the mapping directly
  4. #459 ExcelImporter: AbortThreshold option support
  5. #476 VSIX: Notify on XpandModelEditor errors
  6. #428 ExcelImporter: Model Options ConcurrencyLimit
  7. #428 ExcelImporter: Cloning fails when localized
  8. #428 ExcelImporter: AutoImportFrom fails with long paths
  9. #439 #43 EnumPropertyEditor: DataSourceAttribute support for ListView
  10. #476 VSIX: Version agnostic and embedded XpandModelEditor
  11. #434 Integrate ModelMapper
  12. Xpand.Utils, Xpand.Xpo migrated to .NetStandard


  1. #394 #384 Web Subscription disposing throws System.InvalidOperationException: An asynchronous operation cannot be started at this time
  2. #463 VSIX: Load Referenced project sources feature fails in SDK format
  3. #462 VSIX: Fix duplicate model records
  4. #404 EnumDescriptor: Filtering is not triggered when object change
  5. #454 VSIX dependecies missing for VS2017

The msi installer is replaced with the powershell XpandPwsh module.
To install artifacts you can use either the Install-Xpand function or copy paste the next line in an Admin powershell prompt.

Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force;iex "$(([System.Net.WebClient]::new()).DownloadString(''));Install-Xpand -Assets @('Assemblies','Nuget','VSIX','Source')  #-Version '19.1.501.0' -SkipGac -InstallationPath 'YOURPATH'"

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