This is a Vue application created during the certification course by ZTM at Udemy.
I am using several packages and plugins, but the more important are the ones below.
- Vite
- Firebase 9
- Typescript
- Pinia
- Vue Router
- Vue i18n
- Vuelidate
- TailwindCSS
- HeadlessUI
- VueUse
- PWA for Vite
- Move the .env.example file to .env.
- Configure the .env file with your Firebase credentials.
- Install the dependencies with the command below.
yarn install
- Run the application on devel mode with the command below.
yarn run dev
- If you want to analyze your code with Eslint and fix the detected issues, run the command below.
yarn run lint
- For type checking using vue-tsc, execute the command below.
yarn run typecheck
To create the static files, you have to run the command below.
yarn run build
- Integrate Vitest