Releases: eahrold/MunkiMenu
MunkiMenu v0.3.0
Status Bar item for configuring and running Managed Software Update.
For deploying with Munki See the install page for details
- New Icon
- Now you can install optional installs from munki menu
- Other bug fixes
Please create new issues as you find them. Thanks.
MunkiMenu 0.2.6
Status Bar item for configuring and running Managed Software Update.
For deploying with Munki See the MunkiMenu repo for details
Major Fix
in v0.2.5 if the --postinstall argument was passed to the MunkiMenu binary at the loginwindow
ManagedSoftwareUpdate would hang. Now MunkiMenu does a better job checking for valid
arguments and exits quietly if there's an error letting installs continue.
Version 0.2.4
Status Bar item for configuring and running Managed Software Update.
For deploying with Munki See the MunkiMenu repo for details
Initial Release MunkiMenu
Simple Status Bar item for launching Managed Software Update.
There are two downloads available, the first is an installer package dmg that will handle the installation of the helper app, launched file on it's own. This is a good choice for unmanaged distribution.
However if distributing with Munki (which would make sense) you should choose the MunkiMenu-App.dmg which just a file-copy distribution and include the following code as a post-install script in the Munki pkginfo.
import os
import subprocess
import shutil
import plistlib
from SystemConfiguration import SCDynamicStoreCopyConsoleUser
from AppKit import NSWorkspace
app_name = 'MunkiMenu'
install_dir = 'Applications'
def writeLaunchAgent(launch_agent,app_path):
#write out the LaunchDaemon Plist
launchd_file = os.path.join('/Library','LaunchAgents',launch_agent+'.plist')
prog_args = os.path.join(app_path,'Contents','MacOS',app_name
launchd_job = {'Label':launch_agent,
plistlib.writePlist(launchd_job,launchd_file )
#fix the permissions['/usr/sbin/chown','root:wheel',launchd_file])['/bin/chmod','0644',launchd_file])
def writeHelperLaunchD(helper_id):
#write out the LaunchDaemon Plist
launchd_file = os.path.join('/Library','LaunchDaemons',helper_id+'.plist')
prog_args = [os.path.join('/Library','PrivilegedHelperTools',helper_id)]
launchd_plist = {'Label':helper_id,
#fix the permissions['/usr/sbin/chown','root:wheel',launchd_file])['/bin/chmod','0644',launchd_file])
#load the launchD job['/bin/launchctl','load',launchd_file])
def copyHelper(helper_id,app_path):
src = os.path.join(app_path,'Contents','Library','LaunchServices',helper_id)
dst = os.path.join('/Library/PrivilegedHelperTools/',helper_id)
shutil.copyfile(src, dst)['/usr/sbin/chown','root:wheel',dst])['/bin/chmod','544',dst])
def launchApp(app_path):
#if there is a logged in user launch MunkiMenu
cfuser = SCDynamicStoreCopyConsoleUser( None, None, None )
if cfuser[0]:
wksp = NSWorkspace.sharedWorkspace()
def getBundleID(app_path):
info_plist = os.path.join(app_path,'Contents','Info.plist')
p = plistlib.readPlist(info_plist)
bundle_id = p['CFBundleIdentifier']
return bundle_id
def main():
app_path = os.path.join('/',install_dir,app_name+'.app')
bundle_id = getBundleID(app_path)
helper_id = bundle_id+'.helper'
launch_agent = bundle_id+'launcher'
if __name__ == "__main__":