Super-simple SNMP client for Erlang.
For when you just want to get/walk some values from something and not have to set up an entire SNMP manager.
{ok, C} = snmerp:open("hostname", [{community, "public"}]),
snmerp:get(C, {"sysName", 0})
-> {ok, <<"full.hostname">>}
snmerp:walk(C, "sysName")
-> {ok, [{0, <<"full.hostname">>}]}
You can also load in your own MIBs, by first compiling them to a .bin file with erlc. Then add the path to the .bin files to the MIB database before calling snmerp:open
, like so:
{ok, Mibs} = snmerp_mib:add_dir("/some/path/mibs", snmerp_mib:default()),
{ok, C} = snmerp:open("hostname", [{mibs, Mibs}, ...])
And it has dedicated table fetching support:
snmerp:table(C, "ifTable", [])
-> {ok, ["ifIndex", "ifDescr", "ifType", ...], [
{2,2,"eth1",ethernet,...}, ...]}
snmerp:table(C, "ifTable", ["ifType", "ifDescr"], [])
-> {ok, [{1, ethernet, "eth0"}, {2, ethernet, "eth1"}, ...]}
2-clause BSD