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The swiss-army-knife multi-tool of choice when dealing with GraphQL schemas in .NET-land.

.NET Core NuGet

What is it?

QLeatherman, or short qlman, is a dotnet core command-line-interface to help deailing with common tasks when GraphQL meets .NET (Core), especially useful for authors of GraphQl-schemas.

Main aspects are:

  • easy-to-use from the start (via dotnet-tool)
  • great interop with various build-pipelines
  • OOTB generation of C#-clients given a GraphQL schema
  • maintaining backwards-compatible GraphQL-schemas by providing automated reports of changes between two version of an API (you can, of course, compare two completely unrelated schemas, if that makes any sense to you ^^)

How to get it?

dotnet global tool

Run the follwoing command to download QLeatherman as a global dotnet-tool

dotnet tool install --global QLeatherman


QleatherMan uses a verb-style CLI, similar to git or other popular CLIs out there. To show some help about the possible verbs and it´s parameters, just ommit any parameters


Invoking the generate command will yield a full C# client for a given schema:

dotnet qlman generate

As QLeatherman currently completely relies on GraphQlClientGenerator when generating client-classes, head over there for details and don´t forget to leave a Star ;)

per default, deprecated elements are not subject to generation of C#-pendants to enable generation of deprecated elements, supply the -d switch:

dotnet qlman generate -d


The compare-command will generate a report showing the current differences between two given schemas.

dotnet qlman compare

the sample comparison above does not actually make any sense, but showcases the output of differing schemas

During comparison, the used schemas are cached locally in left.qlman.json and rigt.qlman.json, respectiviley.

To use one of these cached version, just replace one of the uris in the compare-command

dotnet qlman compare left.qlman.json

this will compare the local file left.qlman.json with the remote-schema

Urls and files can be mixed and matched as needed.

files ending with qlman.json are treated as if QLeatherMan itself serialized the content. For any other extension, QLeatherMan will fall back to use [GraphQlGenerator]'s implementation.


the config-command generates a sample configuration '.qlman'-file in the current directory.

dotnet qlman config

The content of this file resembles the available commandline-switches and can be used to automate the execution of the various commands (excluding 'config' itself ;) )

  "Generate": {
    "Source": "",
    "DestinationFile": "swapi.generated.cs",
    "Namespace": "swapi.Generated",
    "GenerateDeprecatedTypes": true
  "Compare": {
    "Left": "",
    "Right": "",
    "Silent": false


dotnet qlman

without any particular verb will execute the commands defined in the '.qlman'-config


Based on the widely used reference-api based on star-wars, let´s consider we have the schemas of two version of the same API.

the below shown differences are not reflecting actual evolvement of the api, but are prepared to better showcase the use of the compare-command we simulate evolvement by removing all 'Planet'-related types, mutations, etc. from v1, as well as some fields on other types to simulate a hard breaking-change in API-surface. you can find the used schemas in the asset-folder within this repo

the output of

dotnet compare -o

would result in this sample-report

# Differences between
- ..\..\..\..\assets\
- ..\..\..\..\assets\
## legend
- (+) ->   addition
- (-) -> ~~removal~~
- (#) -> **modification**
- (~) -> __deprecation__ (not implemented)
- ! -> non-nullable
- ? -> nullable

## Types
- (+)   Planet  
- (+)   PlanetResidentsConnection  
- (+)   PlanetResidentsEdge  
- (+)   PlanetFilmsConnection  
- (+)   PlanetFilmsEdge  
- (+)   FilmCharactersEdge  
- (+)   FilmPlanetsConnection  
- (+)   FilmPlanetsEdge  
- (+)   PlanetsConnection  
- (+)   PlanetsEdge  
- (#) **Root**
  - (+) allPlanets : PlanetsConnection?
  - (+) planet : Planet?

- (#) **Film**
  - (+) planetConnection : FilmPlanetsConnection?

- (#) **Species**
  - (+) Description_fka_Name : String?
  - (+) homeworld : Planet?
  -  (-) ~~name : String?~~


following is a list of pending features, ordered per context, not per priority

  • publish as dotnet-tool ;)
    • automate publishing
  • generate C#-client based on a given GraphQL schema
  • generate difference report given two GraphQL schemas
    • support local files for analyzing evolvement of remote schemas
    • write message to stderr when comparison indicates a breaking-change
    • show differences in types
      • added types
      • removed types
      • deprecated types
      • modified types
        • added fields
        • removed fields
        • deprecated fields
        • modified fields
          • type changed
          • nullability changed
          • other?
    • differences in queries
      • added arguments
      • removed arguments
      • deprecated arguments
    • differences in mutations
      • added arguments
      • removed arguments
      • deprecated arguments
    • differences in subscriptions
    • differences in directives
    • more?
  • batching support to be used by e.g. build-pipelines
  • customizable reports and formats
    • markdown
    • others?
  • provide better examples on use-cases of 'compare'

Cotributions welcome:

  • file an issue
  • fork the repository
  • make the changes
  • submit a pull-request
  • hope for the best ;)

Thanks to others


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