I've previously held roles as a full stack web developer in the age before git and modern frameworks, writing e-commerce websites in ASP.NET and PHP. I transitioned into "operations" work which I find more enjoyable, and now work extensively with (and apply software development practices to) Kubernetes, AWS, GCP, Terraform, Ansible, Linux.
- 🌍 I'm based in Santa Cruz, California - full remote
- 🥰 My pronouns: he/they
- 📫 You can contact me at emlynstokes@gmail.com
- ⚡ My latest project was implementing a reverse proxy for customer domains with Istio, Cert Manager, LetsEncrypt, External Secrets, & Kyverno. I also deployed an istio passthrough service to serve multiple external backends within an existing API.
- 🚀 I'm currently working on migrating AWS cloud infrastructure to GCP.
- 🌱 I upgraded my homelab to a 5 node K3s cluster (4x arm64, 1 amd64), gitops with ArgoCD, fronted with Tailscale & Cloudflare.
- 💻 I enjoy maintaining a productive shell environment with ZSH, Znap, and powerlevel10k in sync with chezmoi between several WSL2 environments and a Macbook M1.
✈️ I'm passionate about traveling, recent trips include Switzerland, Mexico, Panama, Nicaragua, New Zealand, Australia, Fiji. I'm currenting living in Iceland for 6 months.
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