Java library for receiving chunked file uploads.
I had a need for a Java server side implementation to receive chunk filed uploads from FlowJS - and was shocked when I couldn't find a simple library that allowed me to pass in chunks and be notified of completion. So when I put it together myself I thought I should put it up on Github.
It's still a work in progress. Everything can change. Currently looking at multiple ways to improve the Storage API portion.
All suggestions are welcome.
To use it - you'll need 3 things, a means to store the files, a listener for when files have completed, and the main service object to handle received chunks.
The listener:
public class MyListener implements ChunkedFileCompletionListener {
public void fileCompleted(String fileName, StorageLocation completedFile) {
System.out.println("File " + fileName + " is done");
// Or
// No need to delete the file or chunks, that happens automatically.
Initializing the service:
StorageFactory storage = new FileStorageFactory("/tmp/myTempDir/");
ChunkedFileUpload upload = new ChunkedFileUpload(storage);
upload.addListener(new MyListener());
In use (perhaps in a Spring controller somewhere):
public boolean someoneCheckingIfTheChunkExists(String fileName, int chunkNumber) {
return upload.hasChunk(new Chunk(fileName, chunkNumber));
public void someoneUploadedAChunk(String fileName, int chunkNumber, int totalChunks, byte[] data) {
try {
upload.receivedChunk(new ReceivedChunk(fileName, chunkedNumber, totalChunks, data));
} catch (StorageException e) {
System.out.println("Upload failed... you should probably tell someone");