This repository contains the code for my personal Resume Website, built using HTML, CSS, and optionally JavaScript. The website provides an interactive and visually appealing way to present my resume and showcase my skills, experience, and projects.
- Interactive Resume: Users can view my personal details, education, work experience, projects, and contact information in a sleek, organized layout.
- Responsive Design: The website is fully responsive, ensuring it looks great on devices of all sizes (mobile, tablet, and desktop).
- Clean Design: Simple and professional design to focus on the content of the resume.
- Downloadable Resume: Option for visitors to download a PDF version of the resume.
Check out the live version of the resume here: My Resume Website
- HTML5: For the structure of the website.
- CSS3: For styling and responsive design.
- JavaScript (optional): For interactive features, if any, such as smooth scrolling, animations, or dynamic content.