This was made after my fiancée and I got sick of trying to decide what we wanted to make for dinner each night despite having ingredients to make meals with.
You can add all of your favorite recipes, then when you're struggling to figure out what you should make, open the website and start typing in the ingredients you've got! The app will automatically search and list out the recipes you can create, and you can decide from there.
Download the repository and run
npm install
npm start
Navigate to localhost:3000 and start adding your recipes
Currently, this is completely unsecured. There is no authentication whatsoever, it's meant to be run on a local server, nothing exposed to the internet. In the future, I'd like to add the following:
- Authentication and make it a real website! More users = more recipes = more options to cook!
- Allow users (while local or when a real website) to mark meals as "made" so they can track which meals they've cooked to give them more variety