This is intended as a way for QtQuick applications to send a TUIO 2.0 event stream, for example for remote-controlling another touch-based application, perhaps on another screen.
Requires Qt 5.9 or later.
Depends on the reference TUIO 2.0 implementation as a git submodule.
To build and test:
git submodule update --init --recursive
make install
As with most TUIO servers, it sends UDP packets on port 3333. You can monitor the output with the Tuio2Dump utility, which can be built as follows:
cd TUIO20_CPP/demos
Qt includes a plugin supporting TUIO 1.0, whereas the reference implementation which this depends on uses the TUIO 2.0 specification, and the two are incompatible. So you can try this
QT_TUIOTOUCH_DELIVER_WITHOUT_FOCUS=1 qml -plugin TuioTouch path/to/qt59/qtdeclarative/tests/manual/touch/mpta-crosshairs.qml
but it won't work, yet, whereas the Java-based TUIO 1.1 simulator should work with Qt 5.9 applications.
QTBUG-51862 will track the progress of getting TUIO 2.0 support into Qt. It was a chicken/egg problem that TUIO 2.0 is still too uncommon to test with, which is one reason for this project.
The QML API here is unfinished... it's intended to be less stupid and more declarative eventually.