This repository contains examples from the book "OpenGL(R) ES 2.0 Programming Guide", adapted to Run on Raspberry Pi 1, 2, 3 and GNU/Linux PC (32 and 64 bits).
To build the examples the following packages are required on GNU/Linux PC:
- gcc
- make
- build-essential (in debian based distros)
- tcc (fast compiler)
- libgles2-mesa-dev
- git
sudo apt install tcc git libgles2-mesa-dev build-essential make gcc
In case to build on Raspberry Pi (1,2,3), only need the following packages:
- tcc
- git
sudo apt install tcc git
Now build with the following instructions:
Clone the Git repository with:
git clone
Enter to the new folder and compile:
cd opengles2/
For build an optimized binary run (Generally takes more time to build).
make release
The binary are saved on "bin" folder. To run type in the console the following example:
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