Shreya Santhanagopalan, Eshani Chauk, Yesha Thakkar, Sun Graham contains resources that we may need such as css styling, icons, ui mockup tools, script editors, and workshops
- focus on gender disparities in education, getting access to education for everyone
- prize: surface headphones
- focus on accessibility to healthcare products
- prize: bellabeat leafs
- focus on designing solutions to help employees focus on success in the workplace
- prize: beats headphones
- focus on designing solutions that target female athletes and audience, improve performance, enhance the experience for female fans, engage young girls to join sports a) gt athletics softball challenge
- prize: $350 amazon gift cards
- contains all brainstorming and ideating makefiles
- will contain information about our project and functionality
- all code for the project will be stored in this folder
- this folder will contain subfolders and a main index file
- will also contain an "images" folder for all graphics
- this folder will contain all video pitch content and team member responsibilities