This page describes the usage of all main classes of Repairnator.
By default, it analyzes Travis CI builds. This is equivalent to using the option --launcherMode REPAIR
The following command line tools must be installed on your machine:
- Oracle Java: some dependencies need tools.jar in the classpath;
- cloc: we compute some metrics with cloc;
- git: to apply some git commands;
- z3: a constraint solver (the executables are available in pipeline test resources).
$ git clone
$ cd repairnator/
$ mvn clean install -DskipTests -f src/repairnator-core/ && mvn clean install -DskipTests -f src/repairnator-pipeline/
$ cd src/repairnator-pipeline/
Run it on Travis CI build 224246334
export M2_HOME=/usr/share/maven
export GITHUB_TOKEN=foobar # your Token
export TOOLS_JAR=/usr/lib/jvm/default-java/lib/tools.jar
java -cp $TOOLS_JAR:target/repairnator-pipeline-3.3-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar fr.inria.spirals.repairnator.pipeline.Launcher --ghOauth $GITHUB_TOKEN -b 224246334
Usage: java <repairnator-pipeline name> [option(s)]
--ghOauth <ghOauth>
Specify GitHub Token to use.
(-b|--build) <build>
Specify the Travis build ID to use.
--repairTools repairTools1,repairTools2,...,repairToolsN
Specify one or several repair tools to use among:
[--runId <runId>]
Specify the run ID for this launch.
This mode allows to use Repairnator to analyze pairs of bugs and
human-produced patches.
[(-o|--output) <output>]
Specify the path to output serialized files.
[--dbhost <mongoDBHost>]
Specify MongDB host.
[--dbname <mongoDBName>]
Specify MongoDB DB name (default: repairnator).
[--smtpServer <smtpServer>]
Specify SMTP server to use for Email notification.
[--notifyto notifyto1,notifyto2,...,notifytoN ]
Specify email addresses to notify.
[--pushurl <pushUrl>]
Specify repository URL to push data on the format
[--githubUserName <githubUserName>]
Specify the name of the user who commits (default: repairnator).
[--githubUserEmail <githubUserEmail>]
Specify the email of the user who commits (default:
Activate the creation of a Pull Request in case of patch.
[(-n|--nextBuild) <nextBuild>]
Specify the next build ID to use (only in BEARS mode) - (default: -1).
[--z3 <z3>]
Specify path to Z3 (default: ./z3_for_linux).
[(-w|--workspace) <workspace>]
Specify a path to be used by the pipeline at processing things like to
clone the project of the build ID being processed (default: ./workspace).
[--projectsToIgnore <projectsToIgnore>]
Specify the file containing a list of projects that the pipeline should
deactivate serialization when processing builds from (default:
The environment variable M2_HOME should be set and refer to the path of your Maven home installation.
To use Nopol, you must add tools.jar in your classpath from your installed JDK.
It is also possible to run it on a GitHub repository that contains a Java Maven project, e.g., this one:
For that, we need to specify the launcher mode with the option --launcherMode GIT_REPOSITORY
, and the parameter --gitrepourl
for specifying a Git repository URL.
The URL has the following format:
(without the final .git
export M2_HOME=/usr/share/maven
export GITHUB_TOKEN=foobar # your Token
export TOOLS_JAR=/usr/lib/jvm/default-java/lib/tools.jar
java -cp $TOOLS_JAR:target/repairnator-pipeline-3.3-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar fr.inria.spirals.repairnator.pipeline.Launcher --ghOauth $GITHUB_TOKEN --launcherMode GIT_REPOSITORY --gitrepourl
In addition to the Launcher options, the GIT_REPOSITORY
launcher mode offers other options, which are the following:
Usage: java <repairnator-pipeline name> [option(s)]
[--gitrepourl <gitRepositoryUrl>]
Specify a Git repository URL (only in GIT_REPOSITORY mode).
[--gitrepobranch <gitRepositoryBranch>]
Specify a branch of the given repository (only in GIT_REPOSITORY mode) - (default: master branch).
[--gitrepoidcommit <gitRepositoryIdCommit>]
Specify the commit id of the given repository (only in GIT_REPOSITORY mode).
Decides whether to clone the first commit of the specified branch (only in GIT_REPOSITORY mode).
When Repairnator is executed in GIT_REPOSITORY
launcher mode, it clones the repository associated with the parameter gitrepourl
, and it is executed on the latest commit pushed on master branch.
Using the parameter gitrepofirstcommit
, on the contrary, Repairnator will be executed on the first commit (the oldest one) of the specified repository.
Example of use:
export M2_HOME=/usr/share/maven
export GITHUB_TOKEN=foobar # your Token
export TOOLS_JAR=/usr/lib/jvm/default-java/lib/tools.jar
java -cp $TOOLS_JAR:target/repairnator-pipeline-3.3-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar fr.inria.spirals.repairnator.pipeline.Launcher --ghOauth $GITHUB_TOKEN --launcherMode GIT_REPOSITORY --gitrepourl <git-repository-url> --gitrepofirstcommit
Using the parameter gitrepoidcommit
followed by the commit ID, Repairnator is executed on that specific commit associated with the repository specified with the parameter gitrepourl
Example of use:
export M2_HOME=/usr/share/maven
export GITHUB_TOKEN=foobar # your Token
export TOOLS_JAR=/usr/lib/jvm/default-java/lib/tools.jar
java -cp $TOOLS_JAR:target/repairnator-pipeline-3.3-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar fr.inria.spirals.repairnator.pipeline.Launcher --ghOauth $GITHUB_TOKEN --launcherMode GIT_REPOSITORY --gitrepourl <git-repository-url> --gitrepoidcommit <git-sha>
It is also possible to run Repairnator directly on a specific branch (in this case, Repairnator clones only the specified branch of the Git repository) using the parameter gitrepobranch
followed by the name of the branch. When a branch name is provided, it is also possible to use the parameters gitrepoidcommit
or gitrepofirstcommit
to run Repairnator on a specific commit of the provided branch.
Example of use:
export M2_HOME=/usr/share/maven
export GITHUB_TOKEN=foobar # your Token
export TOOLS_JAR=/usr/lib/jvm/default-java/lib/tools.jar
java -cp $TOOLS_JAR:target/repairnator-pipeline-3.3-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar fr.inria.spirals.repairnator.pipeline.Launcher --ghOauth $GITHUB_TOKEN --launcherMode GIT_REPOSITORY --gitrepourl <git-repository-url> --gitrepobranch <branch-name>
Repairnator also features a fault localization mode. In this mode, a git repository is analyzed, and the identified suspicious lines are pushed as a PR review/suggestions to the original PR.
Note: the personal access token MUST have the scope public_repo to be able to create pull request reviews.
The example below shows the usage of this mode:
export M2_HOME=/usr/share/maven
export GITHUB_TOKEN=foobar # your token
java -cp target/repairnator-pipeline-3.3-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar fr.inria.spirals.repairnator.pipeline.Launcher --launcherMode FAULT_LOCALIZATION --faultLocalization --gitrepourl "" --gitrepoidcommit 54f241129e09d71955b7d2f4fc7f496118b3e1c6 --flacocoThreshold 0.12 --ghOauth $GITHUB_TOKEN
The result of running this example can be found here.
Usage: java <repairnator-realtime name> [option(s)]
--ghOauth <ghOauth>
Specify GitHub Token to use.
--repairTools <repairTools>
Specify one or several repair tools to use separated by commas
(available tools might depend of your Docker image).
(-o|--output) <output>
Specify where to put serialized files from dockerpool.
(-n|--name) <imageName>
Specify the Docker image name to use.
(-l|--logDirectory) <logDirectory>
Specify where to put logs and serialized files created by Docker
[--runId <runId>]
Specify the run ID for this launch.
[--dbhost <mongoDBHost>]
Specify MongoDB host.
[--dbname <mongoDBName>]
Specify MongoDB DB name (default: repairnator).
Activate the notification when the process ends.
[--smtpServer <smtpServer>]
Specify SMTP server to use for Email notification.
[--notifyto notifyto1,notifyto2,...,notifytoN ]
Specify email addresses to notify.
Skip the deletion of Docker container.
Create a specific directory for output.
[(-t|--threads) <threads>]
Specify the number of threads to run in parallel (default: 2).
[--pushurl <pushUrl>]
Specify repository URL to push data on the format
[--githubUserName <githubUserName>]
Specify the name of the user who commits (default: repairnator).
[--githubUserEmail <githubUserEmail>]
Specify the email of the user who commits (default:
[(-w|--whitelist) <whitelist>]
Specify the path of whitelisted repository.
[(-b|--blacklist) <blacklist>]
Specify the path of blacklisted repository.
[--jobsleeptime <jobsleeptime>]
Specify the sleep time between two requests to Travis Job endpoint (in
seconds) - (default: 60).
[--buildsleeptime <buildsleeptime>]
Specify the sleep time between two refresh of build statuses (in
seconds) - (default: 10).
[--maxinspectedbuilds <maxinspectedbuilds>]
Specify the maximum number of watched builds (default: 100).
[--duration <duration>]
Duration of the execution. If it is not given, the execution never stops. This
argument should be given on the ISO-8601 duration format: PWdTXhYmZs
where W, X, Y, Z respectively represents number of Days, Hours, Minutes
and Seconds. T is mandatory before the number of hours and P is always
Activate the creation of a Pull Request in case of patch.
Usage: java <repairnator-checkbranches name> [option(s)]
(-r|--repository) <repository>
Specify where to collect branches.
(-n|--name) <imageName>
Specify the Docker image name to use.
(-i|--input) <input>
Specify the input file containing the list of branches to reproduce.
(-o|--output) <output>
Specify where to put output data.
[--runId <runId>]
Specify the run ID for this launch.
This mode allows to use Repairnator to analyze pairs of bugs and
human-produced patches.
Activate the notification when the process ends.
[--smtpServer <smtpServer>]
Specify SMTP server to use for Email notification.
[--notifyto notifyto1,notifyto2,...,notifytoN ]
Specify email addresses to notify.
Skip the deletion of Docker container.
[(-t|--threads) <threads>]
Specify the number of threads to run in parallel (default: 2).
[(-g|--globalTimeout) <globalTimeout>]
Specify the number of days before killing the whole pool (default: 1).
Flacoco Scanner is the scanner used by Flacocobot (a bot for fault localization that uses Flacoco) to analyze the pull requests associated with the projects under analysis by the bot. This scanner is designed to work in two ways:
- Add a review comment to the failing pull requests if Flacoco finds suspicious lines contained in the diff introduced by the pull request compared to the main code base (it suggests the top 5 most suspicious lines by default);
- Save the fault localization result (the top 5 most suspicious lines in the diff or the top 5 most suspicious lines in general) in a GitHub repository.
To specify the list of projects to be scanned, it is necessary to create a file, add the slug associated with the projects (e.g., eclipse/repairnator,
and not, and associate the file path to a system variable called PROJECTS_TO_SCAN_FILE
. You have to put one project per line. This means that the content of the file with the list of projects to be scanned must have this structure:
Flacoco Scanner scans each project every 15 minutes for a total of 14 days by default. At the first iteration, the scanner searches for the failing open pull requests that have been opened in the last 7 days by default. In the following iterations, the scanner listens for every new failing pull request and updates (only in relation with the source code) related to the pull requests previously analyzed.
To customize the scan period, the total time of execution and the number of days before the current date to select only the pull requests opened in that period, you can set these system variables:
To set the threshold used by Flacoco, it is necessary to set its value in a system variable called FLACOCO_THRESHOLD
To save the results in a repository instead of adding a review comment to a pull request, it is necessary to create a system variable called FLACOCO_RESULTS_REPOSITORY
and associate the slug of the repository where results will be saved.
export M2_HOME=/usr/share/maven
export GITHUB_TOKEN=foobar # Your Token
export PROJECTS_TO_SCAN_FILE=/path/to/file.txt
export FLACOCO_RESULTS_REPOSITORY=<user>/<repo-name> # Only to save the results in a repository
git clone
cd repairnator
mvn clean install -DskipTests -f src/repairnator-core/ && mvn clean install -DskipTests -f src/repairnator-pipeline/
cd src/repairnator-realtime
mvn clean package -DskipTests
java -cp target/repairnator-realtime-<version>-jar-with-dependencies.jar fr.inria.spirals.repairnator.realtime.FlacocoScanner --ghOauth $GITHUB_TOKEN
has been set with a GitHub repository slug and Flacoco finds suspicious lines, Flacocobot will add the results to that repository.
has not been set with a GitHub repository slug and Flacoco finds suspicious lines, it will add a review comment to the failing pull request.
In the first execution mode, the review comment will be created only if Flacoco finds suspicious lines that are contained in the diff introduced by the failing pull request compared to the main code base.
In the second execution mode, the fault localization results will be saved in specific .MD files in the repository indicated by the variable LACOCO_RESULTS_REPOSITORY
. If the file name starts with diff_, it means that the file contains the suspicious lines found by Flacocobot that are contained in the diff introduced by the pull request compared to the main code base. Otherwise, the file contains the top 5 most suspicious lines found by Flacoco.
(internal usage only)