Purpose: to configure a cloud-init compatible virtual machine on a "no-cloud" setup by using a "cidata" cdrom iso file.
Use one of the prebuilt vagrant-*.iso files to configure a instance to create a vagrant user with optional "vagrant" password.
- This is also useful outside vagrant for any testing, because it enables a user to login the machine using a standard key/password
- the insecure default secret key of vagrant is available under vagrant.id_rsa
- the insecure default password of vagrant is "vagrant"
Use your ssh publickey to create a cidata iso that configures the root user with your key.
- Requisites for creating new iso files: bash, mkisoimage, openssl
Create a seed iso with vagrant user and password:
./create-seed-iso.sh --vagrant-password vagrant-seed.iso
- user can login as vagrant with password vagrant or the vagrant secret key
Create a seed iso with your id_rsa public key installed as root user and grow the root file system to the maximum available space at startup:
./create-seed-iso.sh --key ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub --growroot mykey-seed.iso
- user can login as root with the matching ssh secret key.
Custom Static IP Config (with vagrant user and password):
- Warning: Static IP configurations are usually bad and break easy. (eg. change of virtual ethernet adapter will change interface name).
file: staticip-metadata:
network-interfaces: |
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback
auto ens5
iface ens5 inet static
file: staticip-userdata:
manage-resolv-conf: true
nameservers: ['', '']
domain: example.org
Execute: ./create-seed-iso.sh --vagrant-password --add-meta-data staticip-metadata --add-user-data staticip-userdata staticip-seed.iso