ZEX_Linux updated wallet (daemon) and CLI for ZEX Coin (Linux: Ubuntu 17.10; libboost version
Please run the daemon with the daemon switch: "zexcoind -daemon" or your command line might hang
The wallet version should be (the ecs87 Block 37500 fork). You can confirm this by using the "zexcoin-cli getinfo" command. The version for Linux will report "2000101" which is (Windows users will see "" from their QT wallets; Linux users don't have this convenience...sorry).
What are the changes? Miner rewards have been reduced to 10% while masternodes are up to 90%. Block rewards stay at 10 ZEX. Masternode collateral has doubled meaning now 3000 ZEX is required to hold a masternode (this was done to combat the excessive pumping and dumping in addition to preventing current investors from very easily obtaining a masternode at current prices; in short, this should raise the price by increasing the "difficulty" to obtain a new ZEX or masternode).