Corresponding scientific article:
- PyFDD is a software for fitting channeling data for lattice location;
- Load your data into a Data Pattern to prepare the channeling data;
- Import Simulations Libraries in the .2dl format;
- Use the Fit Manager for fitting;
- For learning how to use the API, start with the examples folder.
- Download the executable from github as use it as it is.
To use PyFDD you must first have python3 and pip installed. If you download python from and use a version >=3.4 it will come with pip.
pip version >= 19.3 is required.
To install PyFDD on linux run,
$ pip3 install git+
To upgrade,
pip3 install --upgrade git+
If you will be using it in jupyter, and you should, you can install it with
$ pip3 install jupyter
To launch a notebook use the command,
jupyter notebook
To install PyFDD on windows run (the command can be "py" or "python" depending on how you installed it),
$ python -m pip install
To upgrade an installed version use,
pip install --upgrade
If you will be using it in jupyter, and you should, you can install it with
$ py -m pip install jupyter
To launch a notebook use the command,
py -m notebook
The DataPattern class holds the pattern from the measurement, the angular calibration and has the necessary tools to set up the pattern for fitting.
The Lib2dl class reads 2dl libraries and puts them in the format that is necessary for the fit.
The Fit class does the fit. If one need to do one single fit for testing this class can be used but for regular analysis the FitManager class is advised.
The FitManager is the general purpose fit class and the most used in practice. It can fit a pattern over several lattice sites and outputs the results in a .csv file that can be opened with excel.
PyFDD is open source under a GPL3 license. Please look at the LICENCE.txt file for more info.