-Simply select you favorite color amongst the group, the face corresponding to your mood, and then you'll reach screen below whereupon you can Tweetit, or not. (see my portfolio for more screenshots)
(the face seems quite surprised)
-The smilies themselves are made in Adobe Illustrator (I've included a template or sorts, so you can create your own)
-Each grid of 9 items is built by using fast enumeration for loops to iterate through arrays of images.
-Current selection is displayed by a light-gray marker surrounding the chosen item
-Selections are encapsulated in a singleton property. Said singleton also houses the switch statement containing all arrays of faces.
* I've found singleton properties superior to the delgate pattern, but then again, I have more experience implementing singletons than delegates, but am building smaller projects to implement the delegate pattern.
* Currently building apps as data management practice and gesture recognition
* I'm building another branch to implement a delegate pattern and test if there's a statistically significant change in view transition speed