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Fast SP

Various implementations of the problem in this blog post.


To run this, you will need Rust Nightly and Python 3.8+ with numpy.

Rust (nightly) Use [rustup]( to install a Rust toolchain, then install a nightly toolchain:
rustup update -- nightly

Then run rustup override set nightly to use the Rust nightly in the current directory.

Python 3.8+ with NumPy The test cases were generated using NumPy shenanigans.

You probably want to create a virtual environment, and install NumPy inside it. Here's one way to do it:

python3 -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

Running the benchmarks

Note: the cargo bench must be run before profiling Python (I'm sorry).

Benchmark C and Rust:

cargo bench

Benchmark Python (ensure NumPy is installed):

python3 python/

"Data analysis"

If you want to try analyzing results, you will need to install additional Python packages. In your virtual environment, run this:

python3 -m pip install -r requirements-dev.txt

This was really janky. So I just copy-pasted the output from the benchmarks straight from my terminal into a file called output.txt, but I guess you can do this:

cargo bench | tee output.txt &&\
  python3 python/ | tee -a output.txt

And then run the script to parse this file:

python3 ./ output.txt


  • c_original — the original implementation from the blog post.
  • c_for_loop — a straightforward C implementation, with buffer size given (no need to find the null-terminator).
  • c_while_loop — a slight variation on the original.
  • rust_for_loop — a Rust implementation that uses a for loop and mutable state.
  • rust_iter — a Rust implementation that uses a for loop and mutable state.
  • rust_simd — a Rust implementation that uses Portable SIMD.
  • python_for_loop — Python code to analyze buffer byte-by-byte.
  • python_numpy — solution that uses NumPy.


There were two test cases that I used:

  • random_printable: 12 MiB of random printable ASCII characters.
  • random_sp: 12 MiB of either the ASCII character s or p.

I chose 12 MiB as the size of the test data, as that is the size of the L2 cache on the M1's performance cores (allegedly).

Here's how fast various implementation strategies work on my machine (from fastest to slowest):

Language Implementation Test case Throughput (GiB/s) Time per iteration
Rust portable_simd random_sp 19.874 589,654 ns/iter ± 5,769
Rust portable_simd random_printable 19.870 589,766 ns/iter ± 5,726
Python numpy random_printable 5.800 2,020,549 ns/iter ± 28,156
Python numpy random_sp 5.711 2,052,063 ns/iter ± 113,433
Rust iter random_printable 3.979 2,944,916 ns/iter ± 80,495
Rust iter random_sp 3.978 2,946,037 ns/iter ± 33,849
Rust emulate_numpy random_sp 3.031 3,866,700 ns/iter ± 116,109
Rust emulate_numpy random_printable 3.026 3,872,550 ns/iter ± 103,355
C while_loop random_printable 1.487 7,878,845 ns/iter ± 105,742
C while_loop random_sp 1.486 7,886,922 ns/iter ± 158,662
C for_loop random_sp 1.482 7,905,779 ns/iter ± 40,898
Rust for_loop random_sp 1.482 7,906,754 ns/iter ± 635,075
Rust for_loop random_printable 1.481 7,912,558 ns/iter ± 499,821
C original random_printable 1.478 7,930,400 ns/iter ± 135,758
C for_loop random_printable 1.478 7,931,450 ns/iter ± 516,610
C original random_sp 0.278 42,119,291 ns/iter ± 501,957
Python for_loop random_printable 0.001 18,939,466,916 ns/iter ± 44,605,333
Python for_loop random_sp 0.001 19,451,341,325 ns/iter ± 291,675,532


TODO! Briefly, Clang generates code for c_original that does all of its counting logic with branches, which is probably why it struggles with random_sp — the M1 just can't predict the branches. c_for_loop and rust_for_loop both yields assembly that uses the cinc and csel, avoiding costly unpredictable branches. Rust/LLVM is able to autovectorize rust_iter but it generates a whole mess of instructions, and I haven't put the time to understand what the instructions are actually doing. For rust_simd, Rust/LLVM generates nice SIMD code that processes 16 bytes at a time, in a tiny loop.

Details of my testing machine

  • Apple MacBook Pro M1, 2020.
  • RAM: 8 GB
  • Max Clock speed: 3.2 GHz
  • L2 cache: 12 MB
  • Apple clang version 14.0.0 (clang-1400.0.29.202)
  • rustc 1.68.0-nightly (61a415be5 2023-01-12)
  • LLVM version: 15.0.6


Copyright © 2023 Eddie Antonio Santos. AGPL-3.0 licensed.